WILW and Oh How Pinteresting!

It's Wednesday which means it's the day for two of my favorite link ups, and I'm gonna jump right on into it!

I'm loving that I have actually been able to stick to my healthy regimen during the week the past two weeks. I've been really thoughtful about what I'm eating, how often, and increasing the amount of water I'm drinking (which subsequently increases the number of bathroom breaks I take, buuuuuut, that's another story).
Cartoon in the paper this morning...I thought it appropriate :)
I'm loving that MG and I  try out new recipes and cook together. Last night we made this deliciousness:
{via}  more on this in another post

I'm loving that the audit we had at our school yesterday, and the interview I was part of, were easy. Now it feels like the stress and pressure of that are off of me! Phew!

I'm loving the book Still Missing that I had read a review of on C-Mae's blog Happiness Is....I took her recommendation to read it, and it is definitely a page turner, even though the story itself is disturbing.  I just hit a part last night that was totally unexpected! I'll post a review once I'm done reading it, but as of now, I recommend.

I'm loving that my school somehow got licenses from Rosetta Stone for any of the teachers at our school who were interested in getting a license for it. So, hopefully this means my Spanish will be way more BIEN than it is en este momento (this moment)! 

I'm loving Pinterest and all of the AWESOME things I find on there on a regular basis.

This week I've been pinning:

I just can't wait for Spring to get here...altho some days around here it actually FEELS like Spring already 
I am a comfy pants fiend...MG jokes about how quickly I take off my jeans and get into comfy pants as soon as we walk in the door from somewhere. Altho, I've noticed he is following suit with that :)

I love these candles, coated in dried peas. So clever, and they look SO nice!

Healthy Pizza Mushrooms  now I just need to add some pepperoni on those...:)

I'm sure you've seen this, but it makes me laugh. What it WOULD have looked like if both of her
 legs were like that one she kept sticking out at the Oscar's lol

My good buddy, Genna, pinned this and I instantly fell in love with it. I want it!!!!
Follow Me on Pinterest  Go check out some of my pinboards, esp the food one--TONS of really yummy looking things on there!

What have you been pinning this week?? Go link up and show me so I can find new cool stuff to dream about!!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I would've thought MG would LOVE the fact that you take your pants off so quickly.

  2. HAHA, that Angelina picture. HYSTERICAL! Love that outfit.

  3. LMAO the picture of Angelina!! I thought that was real at first. The "Healthy Pizza" looks suprisingly good ((:


  4. The picture of Angelina is killing me! What was she thinking with that leg pose? Good for you for sticking to your healthy eating habits!! The candles with the peas are so cute too - who would have thought?

  5. that angelina picture = bhahaha. makes me laugh evey time. & proud of you for eating healthy. it can be a struggle for me, not that i end completely unhealthy just not what i wish i was eating.

    happy wednesday

    xx :: ashlyn

  6. Aw, that comic is adorable! That's exactly what I feel like when I hear all about other people's diets.
    I was JUST thinking about trying Rosetta Stone last night!!! Let me know what you think of it if you do it.
    My husband and I are the same way. The second we finish walking the dogs after work - into lounge clothes we go. Partly for comfort, and partly because anytime I make dinner in nice clothes, I spill on myself. Not worth it.

  7. Hello-

    Found you on "What I'm loving Wednesdays"I am your new follower on Google Friend Connect and Network Blogs.
    Please drop by when you can.

    <3 Faith

  8. Love the navy and green combo in your outfit pin!!

    Momma B

  9. hahahaha the angelina thing makes me laugh way hard :)

  10. That mushroom pizza looks amazing!

  11. HAHAHA! The Monday one -- my husband all the way. He is a board shorts all the time kind of guys, so I say, "Yay, it is Monday, he finally needs to wear real pants!" ;)

    I pinned the bottom picture a while back... LOVE IT.

  12. hahaha that real pants things is so true. I always saying I'm "not wearing pants" when I wear leggings. and I get some real interesting looks.. ha

  13. Your pins are great! I love the first one--and the fact that I'm not the only one who loves comfy pants! :)

  14. healthy pizza mushrooms!? my dream has come true!


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