WILW and Oh How Pinteresting!

Happy hump day! It's the middle of the week and I've got the weekend on the horizon!

To make it a good Wednesday, I'm linking up with Michelle and Jamie today:

I'm loving the weather this week! Even tho it's been a teeny bit chilly in the mornings (hello heated seats in the car!), the weather during the day has been to die for. I'm a fan!

I'm loving that I had a late night meeting cancelled this week. We have Back to School Night tomorrow which would have meant there'd be two nights this week I'd be gone from home for over 13 hours. Luckily, now it's only tomorrow for BTSN.

I'm loving Game of Thrones...I finished the first book, watched the first season on HBO and MG and I just started watching season 2 (which I heard is way different than the book, but oh well). We've been watching it a bit too close to bedtime since both of us had dreams about it Sunday night. Whoops!

I'm loving that my Coach purse that I ordered on Sunday shipped yesterday. Come to me, my pretty!!

I'm loving that the iPhone5 comes out today! #UpgradeInOctober

And, as always, I'm loving Pinterest!

This week I've been pinning some school themed things....
I could totally use this in my office at work!

Especially true when you only have a 30 minute lunch break!

Cute. Want. Love.

Too early?


Chocolate Pudding Cupcakes with Strawberry Centers Um, I die!
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What have YOU been pinning this week??


  1. Cute outfit! And those cupcakes look amazing, I wonder if the strawberry would get too mushy?

  2. I'm very interested to find out what happens in season 3. I really liked the ending to season 2 of game of thrones! I haven't read the books though. Love the outfit you picked out and I feel the same way about food :)

  3. Oh I love that Daenerys photo. I think I made the same exact expression when I saw that photo in FB!

    And I love that strawberry cupcake, yum!

  4. I just started watching season 1 of game of thrones and I'm really enjoying it. I'm trying to catch up to speed so I can watch with the bf. He loves it.

  5. I'm also really enjoying the cooler weather. And that outfit with the blue skirt and green sweater? Absolutely perfect. I need that in my closet!

    Visiting from WILW!


  6. Bahaha the microwave one is SOOO me!


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