Happy Thanksgiving!
As you're reading this, I'm embarking on an adventure. The "parents meeting parents for the first time" adventure. MG and I are driving up to PA today, and so are my parents, to have Thanksgiving with all of us together. Nervous-excitement still present here :)
Since it's Thanksgiving, what better time to share some of the things that I'm thankful for? So here's my list of thankfulness:
{1}- My Family
Losing loved ones within the last year, and having my dad's heart attack scare last year really puts things into perspective. I love my parents for always being there for me, helping me whenever I've needed it, and for setting me up for a successful life. They've been my backbone, my support system and the source of love and caring for as long as I can remember. Love them!
He has been a constant bright spot in my life since we met on Match over a year ago. He definitely restored my faith that there are good guys out there and came into my life at the perfect time. Our relationship has blossomed since this time last year, and he is honestly the absolute love of my life. I'm thankful for the laughs he brings out of me, the smiles he puts on my face, the breakfasts he makes for me on the weekends, the love he gives to Cooper, and the constant love he shows and gives to me. I can't imagine a world without him and I hope that I never have to.
I thank God and the universe for my little guy, Cooper, on a regular basis. I know that I'm biased, but I've never seen another dog who has such an awesome personality, who loves everything and everybody he meets, and who is so fun and sweet that even strangers comment on what a great dog he is. He has the power to make me smile, just with the wiggle of his little stumpy tail that turns into his whole body wiggling with joy. He is absolutely, without a doubt, my doggy soul mate and I'm so lucky that I get to have him in my life.
I'm thankful for the friends who have come into my life, and for those who have been here for a long time. I'm constantly amazed by the new people I meet here, and the friendships that develop from this little bloggie space. I am incredibly thankful for the friends who are there when I've got a problem, need to vent, or just wanna hang out and have a good time. Without them, life would be a lot less fun (and probably a lot less silly, too....and who wants that?) :) I wouldn't be the same without the friends who have come into my life. Some have stayed, and some have gone, and I'm thankful for the impact that each has had (and continues to have) on my life.
{5} My job
First of all, I'm thankful to have a job. Secondly, I'm thankful that I was able to leave a job in which I was miserable, and return to a place that's been nurturing, supportive and challenging (but in a good way). I'm thankful that I don't dread going to work every day anymore and that I enjoy the people and kids who I work with. Paycuts stink, but happiness is golden!
{6}-MG's Family

I adore MG's family--they are so welcoming, so kind and such incredibly thoughtful people. The fact that MG's parents are opening their home to me and my parents today is just one example of that. Anytime things have been going wrong or crazy, they text or call to check up. They ask MG how I'm doing, and tell MG when they miss me. Having dealt with a boyfriend's family who was less than welcoming, this is
such a welcome change, and something that I appreciate that much more. I feel so blessed to feel like I'm a part of his incredible family, and can only hope that they'll be my "official" family one day, too!
There are lots more, but these are the most important ones, for now :)
I hope that you have lots of things to be thankful for, that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends, family and loved ones.
I'm off to get this Thanksgiving and parents-meeting under way!
Have a Turkey-tastic day!