WILW and Oh How Pinteresting

It's ONLY Wednesday. Why does this week feel like it's dragging?

To put my focus on something positive, I'm linking up with Jamie and Michelle:

I'm loving that Thanksgiving with my parents and MG's parents was a BIG success. The families got along and it was great :)

I'm loving that I'm continuing to find good deals on cute clothes. Thanks to the help of P!nky, I bought these two pretties yesterday:
I know they look incredibly similar (and they are), but I see making them work with different outfits.
(Plus, I just bought the necklace in the second picture--and now I know it works with that shirt!! haha)
I'm loving Chocolate Red Wine. Oh Em Gee that stuff is DEEEElish! Even better: getting it for $4 a bottle at the grocery store. Good wine and cheap? Yes please!

I'm loving the Enchilada Pasta Casserole I made last night. Sooooo flippin' good! Recipe to come, but for now I'll tempt you with this picture:

I'm loving that MG's family gave us a CD of the pictures we had taken at the beach this summer with his family. The pictures are really good! 
Oh, you wanna see some? Well, ok, if I have to...:)

And, as always, I'm loving Pinterest and it's awesomeness!
This week I've been pinning....


I need to find a lantern, on the cheap, stat! So cute!

Who doesn't love a basket of cute and cuddly puppies??

Creamy Quinoa Primavera Now that I'm on my quinoa kick!


Follow Me on Pinterest Check out the other stuff I've been pinning!

Here's to hoping the day, and the rest of the week, go by a little faster than the start of the week has gone!


  1. Those beach photos are fantastic! Love those bright jeans!!!

  2. chocolate red wine? yum. get me a bottle!

  3. Haven't read your blog for a while... love the new design! (or maybe it's not all that new anymore...)

  4. Adorable family photos!!! That christmas lantern would be such a fun DIY! Those puppies are adorable! Oh and super funny meme about the grandma and the spaghetti scarf! hahaa <3 Happy hump day and Happy Holidays hun (;



  5. That enchilada pasta? Yes, I'm going to need that recipe asap! Looks SO delish! Your beach pics are adorbs; glad to hear Thanksgiving went well. Happy Wednesday:)

  6. Ummmm these pics of you and MG are AWESOME! You look beautiful!!

  7. Adorable pictures!

    Also, note to self, need colorful skinnies. I think I might be the last person on earth without them. Besides my mother.

  8. I have never heard of chocolate red wine however I must admit it sounds pretty good! & I love the photos of you both on the beach. They turned out so cute :)

  9. LOVE those pics of you guys! I just had chocolate red wine this weekend...SO GOOD!

  10. Those tops are so cute!!! Love the yellow one! And chocolate red wine??? Ummm I'm going to need to find out the details on that! I'm not a huge wine drinker, but that sounds delish!!! Gorgeous pics!!! =)

  11. I love these pins :)


  12. You should always share more of the beach pictures because they are FABULOUS.

    I am totally guilty of buying the same shirt in different colors. Hey...you never know which color you are going to be in the mood to wear ;)


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!