
Five on Friday!

Wooohooooo! Another Friday is here, which means another weekend is right in front of us! I can't wait! Why? 
Read my 5 on Friday to find out...

{1}- Minnesota
MG and I are heading out to Minnesota this weekend. If you were around last October, you might remember that one of MG's best friends (who is also a groomsmen) works for the Minnesota Vikings. MG and his other best friend try and make it out there at least once a year to see the other friend, his wife, and 2 boys. Last year was the first year that I went, and it was SO much fun. Albeit cold, but fun. Even though the Vikings are not doing so great, it will still be a great time to visit with friends, see a pro game, and just have fun!

{2}-Love Topper
Remember last week when I had you all give me your opinions on the cake toppers? Well, I didn't tell you that I had already bought the white porcelain one the night before I posted that post. Oops! Luckily I was able to cancel the order, and the company I ordered from was very nice and said they would refund the money and re-route the shipment. Except it arrived at my doorstep on Tuesday. So I wrote the company and told them it had come and I would ship it back with a label. The man thanked me for being honest and said that we could keep it as a gift. So nice, right? After seeing the white one, I'm glad we're going with the silver one. It's nice, but I'm going to LOVE (pun intended) the silver one. Thanks, Trish for getting it for us (and thanks everyone else for convincing me to go big!)
(side note: everything is resolved with the cake people from this weekend, too, thankfully!)

It's cold! I know it's Fall, and I'm ok with that, but I feel like we missed Fall and jumped right into Winter! I had to bust out my North Face winter coat yesterday morning because it was 41 degrees! (given, it will be about those temps in MN this weekend, but still). Too cold! Me no likey!

{4}-First Wedding Gift
Our first wedding present is set to arrive today, much to our surprise (I have UPS delivery notifications). One of our couple friends (who got us the Mr. and Mrs. koozies when we got engaged) had told us to pick out something that we wanted, tell them, and not put it on the registry because they wanted to make sure we got something that we really wanted. At the time, the thing we had been talking about and wanting the most was a really nice knife set/block, so I found one and sent it to my friend when I found it. Totally didn't expect her to purchase it right away, but she did, and now we'll have our first wedding gift arrive! Super exciting!

{5} Best. Idea. Ever.
{via}Enough said.

And on that lovely note, have a FAB weekend party people!

(p.s. today marks 2 months til Xmas...where is the time going??? And, oh s**t, I have so much shopping to do!!)


  1. Have fun this weekend! I want/need that wine cooler. We have one of those at the office...maybe I should pull a swaperoo. Nobody would notice! Ps nice knife block. I need new knives badly. Maybe I should get married so I can get gifted them

  2. Wedding gifts are SO much fun! My husband thought I was crazy for stalking our registry before showers and before our wedding, but it was such a thrill :) You'll love your knife block and good knives. They make all the difference in the kitchen. I used mine all day everyday -- it was a great wedding gift! Happy weekend!

  3. Yay for fun weekends ahead and nice people!! Enjoy the game in MN! Stay warm!!

  4. Yay for wedding gifts!!! Have fun in Minnesota this weekend-- and bundle up! ;)

  5. Hahaha - the water cooler meme. Hilarious! That was so nice of that company to allow you to keep that porcelain LOVE topper. Maybe one day you could use both of them (once you get the silver one) as bookends, lol!

    And yay! for wedding gifts. That was one of the most fun parts of the wedding planning process - coming home to surprise boxes every couple of days in the weeks leading up to the wedding was awesome!

  6. aw YAY! the beginning of the doorbell ringing all the time!!! :) such fun!!

  7. It got really cold here in a like a day. There was no gradual decrease in temperature. I'm not complaining though because I've already broken in my coffeemaker!

  8. so exciting your first gift is arriving. This makes me think about how crappy my knives are...so terrible haha! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I loved getting wedding gifts at out door. It would make me so excited when we got gifts. I use to check my registry often and cheat :) Found your blog on the link up party!!

  10. That's so nice that the company let you keep that topper! And I saw that wine/water cooler floating around Pinterest ... I think I need to invest in one of those, lol!

  11. Bahaha that water cooler filled with wine tagged with #Jesus is PRICELESS. That tag makes it pure genius. I'm glad you are getting the silver "LOVE" and that the cake situation is ironed out.


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!