Friday Confessions

Hey, Friday, how ya doin'?
Ready for some confessions??
I confess that....

.....painting a kitchen is a pain in the butt. And we haven't even started the actual painting yet (just taped off almost the entire kitchen in prep). Fingers crossed it all comes together in the end!

.....another weekend is here, and it's another weekend where we're away. We're going up to our friends' beach house (friends we actually just saw last weekend) for a surprise vow renewal for their parents. More on that when we get back. much as I love getting away for vacay, being home for a full weekend is welcome so that we can get some more stuff done around the house (next weekend, hopefully!). I've been doing stuff during the week days, but there's some stuff I can't do completely on my own. 

....the weather yesterday and the day before was beautiful and my idea of a perfect day (mid 80's, no humidity, sunny)...Got a little reading done out on the deck without sweating, took Coop for some longer walks, and it was all glorious! It's also supposed to be insanely nice at the beach this weekend, too, and I'm totally ok with that!

....I believe in the powers of drinking lemon-water on a regular basis (without it last week, I came down with a cold...)

.....MG made me watch Lone Survivor last weekend and I actually enjoyed it. Well, as much as you can enjoy watching people be shot/hurt/killed. You know what I mean--it was better than I expected, but hard to watch, too.

....I've been reading a book for book club (Serena) and had a lot of trouble getting into it and liking it. Once I got to 45% and still didn't really enjoy it, I gave up. Reviews say it's slow til 75% of the way through. That's way too long!

....I wish I knew someone who could do manual labor (like painting) for a cheap price (like, free haha). Someone that didn't include me. :) eye infection cleared up late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I no longer HAVE to wear my glasses everywhere and that's a happy thing for me. I still have a touch of a cold hanging on, but was able to go to dinner with some of my teacher friends the other night (and all of our men) that we'd had on the books for a while. It was nice to get out and see my school the food was amazing! :)

.....while we're away this weekend, Cooper is getting dog-sat by our friends who rent our condo from us. I know Coop will feel comfortable there since he lived there for a few years, but I'm sure he's gonna be a little confused when he gets there (new furniture, new smells, new people). Hopefully it doesn't throw him off too much. I'm sure he'll spend most of the day like this anyway:

Hope you have a happy Friday and a fun-filled weekend!


  1. Have fun at the beach, my jet - setting friend:) Happy Friday! And glad your eye is better now!

  2. i'm joining you in the painting world this weekend... well my job is taping, since i can't do the painting... hehe. but im sure i'll be sick of it after i get started!

  3. Taping off a kitchen is terrible!! And the pup is too cute napping! Happy weekend!

  4. Aw Coop! Love that pup and his cute photos! Oh I love cheap labor to do anything so I don't have it. I would send you my painter, but think its a tad far for him to travel. Have fun this weekend!!

  5. you guys are always on the move! I'm exhausted just reading about it! jk. have a great weekend!

  6. Wow, I can't belive how busy you guys always are! Glad to hear your eye is doing better. I take the YL living essential oil Citrus Fresh in a capsule or water everyday. It has great benefits!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. Why does painting a kitchen take forever??? I totally feel you on that one! Good luck friend!


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