
Friday Faves

Happy Friday!!! We made it through a full week after Thanksgiving! And finally, we've gotten some sunshine in these parts after 4 straight days of cloudy and rainy weather. Bring on the sun!
Here are some of my faves from the week:

{1} MG's birthday
We celebrated MG's birthday on Wednesday by going out to dinner at one of the great american restaurants where he got the jambalaya pasta (a fave of his) and I got the hickory smoked salmon which was seriously the most mouth watering salmon I've had in forever!
MG also enjoyed the bigger part of his gift--the Man Crate (thanks to Lynn for the awesome idea!) He was in awe that he actually had to use a hammer and a crowbar to get it open, and really loved the gifts inside that were all centered around the grill. I heard him on the phone with his bro-in-law raving about it, so I knew I did good.
We're going out in DC tonight for a double date with one of our favorite couples, to celebrate some more.

{2} Massages
MG and I both have a massage scheduled for this weekend and I. Can't. Wait. It's almost like my shoulders and back knew we had this scheduled because they've been killing this week.
Is MG getting spoiled this birthday, or what?? :)

{3} Favorite Funny Video
I saw this on someone's facebook yesterday and it made me laugh watching the kid's faces as they tried good versus bad jelly beans (especially the boy's at the end)--BeanBoozled Challenge

{4} Favorite Discount Site
Do you guys use EBates? If not, you should sign up! I've gotten a bunch of money back from buying holiday gifts that I would have bought otherwise. The cash back deals this week have been impressive (up to 10% cash back) at places like Old Navy, Under Armour, Macy's, Amazon, Living Social, etc. One place even had 40% cash back which is basically paying you to shop. 
If you haven't signed up yet, sign up here and start getting money back just for doing your regular shopping!

{5} Funnies
When your gas light comes on and you're nowhere near a gas station
When you get another email announcing a mega-sale:
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When the packages you've bought arrive at your door and your husband will be home any minute:
When he asks you if this is the last thing coming in the mail:
When your dog finally makes it through an entire night and day without being sick (or waking you up in the middle of the night to go outside and be sick):
Happy Friday, loves! I hope your day is quick and your weekend is fab!


  1. I can seriously tell that MG is loving celebrating his birthday and how great that you can partake in the fun by getting that massage too! So glad coop is feeling better and you guys have some fun planned for this weekend!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  2. MG must be having a blast this week! Woohoo! Good for him! Love the funnies about the shopping! I just hope my husband isn't home when my packages arrive haha yesterday a JCrew bag came in and I almost fainted because I bought, hmmm I haven't ordered anything else, it was his hahahahahaha happy Friday!

  3. OMG and the wife award goes to.... YOU!!!! Wow, what an awesome idea! Would you mind sharing how to do that please? I want to do this for my husband either for Christmas this year, or his birthday in early January. That is SO COOL! The Salmon looks to die for! Enjoy your massages and your weekend! :)

  4. These are so funny! Especially the one with Sheldon! Now that the holidays are here though, my husband has been ordering too for the whole family, so there is too much to keep track! Haha! Have a great weekend!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  5. Have a great weekend with all the birthday celebrations! And the meme about the sales is soo true haha I've been wanting to buy everything!

  6. Happy Birthday to MG! Sounds like you guys celebrated it well! The expression on his face as he opened your thoughtful and creative gift says it all! You did good putting that together, girl! ;) That Sheldon funny cracked me up! lol! Have a fantastic weekend ahead!! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  7. That man crate looks awesome! I will have to check that out. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  8. These are the best! I especially love the "When you get another email announcing a mega-sale:" I am soooo weak!

  9. A massage sounds heavenly! Enjoy it! (And I LOVE Ebates! I always tell Brandon I'm actually saving money when I shop online! ;))

  10. Massages sound so nice... especially this time of year! Love that funny about the baby wishing not to see sales. So true!

  11. yay for husband birthdays and massages for two! that will be so nice. i haven't had a massage in like a year or two so now my shoulders are just staring at me like - hey that's something you should do! haha. have a great weekend girly!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  12. Loving your blog! The man crate is awesome... I know just the person who would love that! ;)

  13. Happy belated birthday to your hubby! Man Crates are awesome! Great choice! Bean Boozled is hilarious! My daughter and her friends play it sometimes and it is hysterical to watch in person!

  14. I have been putting my Ebates to WORK these last couple of weeks! Definitely another perk to doing your shopping online! So glad MG had a great birthday and loved his gift :) Happy Friday!

  15. Yayyy for some much needed sunshine! And LOL at the gifs of the packages coming without your husband knowing, the struggle is definitely for real! Glad MG had an amazing birthday, and enjoy those much-needed massages <3

    Green Fashionista

  16. Isn't this sunshine the best?! Those rainy days were really getting me down and SO lazy - I'm looking forward to the whole sunny weekend ahead. That man crate is fabulous - where did you get it and what is inside?? That might be great for Derek. LOVE that your both getting massages this weekend - enjoy!!

  17. I am so happy that the week of rain is over, haha! I love the picture about the emails announcing email has been flooded with them and it is so overwhelming! Sounds like you have a great weekend planned!

  18. The bean boozled challenge is always so funny to watch haha!

  19. Thanks for the laughs this morning! Happy belated bday to your hubs, what an awesome gift!

  20. Enjoy your massages!!!! :) Have a great weekend.

  21. Enjoy your massages - that sounds awesome before the holidays. That man crate sounds like a fantastic gift, too!

  22. Those funnies are hysterical! It's been raining so much here too and I'm over it! Hope you have a great weekend!! Xo

  23. Amazing work with the massages, enjoy and relax!!

  24. Yay Man Crate!! yay massage and yay no more sick puppy! I love Ebates, my problem is forgetting to go through it when I buy online.

  25. That Man Crate idea is so adorbs!!! I had never heard of that, thanks for sharing! I am currently looking at Man Crates for possible gifts for my boyfriend. You should think about a subscription to Birchbox Man for Christmas - that has been my bf's first secret gift so far! Cant wait for him to get it!

  26. Ebates is how I try and justify my overshopping to my husband during the holidays-haha. Have a great weekend :)

  27. Ebates is definitely worth using for anyone who shops online. I get so pissed at myself when I make a purchase and forget to use it, especially a big purchase. Enjoy the bday celerbations this weekend and those massages. So jell!

  28. It cracks me up when people distrust ebates. Like hello, no, there is no catch.

    You remind me, I'm due for a massage!

  29. YES to that sale meme! Haha. I really need to stop buying things. Yay for massages! Have a great weekend. :)

  30. My credit card is still complaining from the work that I made it do over Black Friday, so I identify totally with that cute toddler. Time to learn some self-control over the next few days!

    Beauty V. Brains | Enter to win a Naked 3 palette!

  31. I'm with you on the whole sale emails! I'm thanking God that we were out of town without access to much internet this weekend so I couldn't shop the B&BW candle sale! I just can't help it because they smell so good!

  32. Ooo I love that loft poncho!!!

  33. Haha, I swear we are having multiple packages arrive on the daily right now. The Man Crate is a genius gift, I'll remember that for Ryan!


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