
Weekending Highlights: {Holiday Partying}

Happy Monday, loves! I'm coming off of a whirlwind of a busy weekend which included 3 holiday parties within 24 hours! Needless to say, I'm really glad that this is the last week of work before our Winter Break!
My highlights this weekend included:
~Friday night holiday party at my friend/coworker's house. This is a yearly tradition, and MG and I have gone since I started working at my current school 4 years ago. It's always fun to see her incredible spread, and all of the beautiful decorations she has around the house, including 4 trees (last year there were 7!!) and to get to spend time with my friends outside of work! 

~Early Saturday morning to volunteer with Wreaths Across America laying wreaths by the graves at Arlington Cemetery. It was beautiful to see so many people come out to pay their respects to those who gave so much for all of us.
The four wreaths that we laid, and the soldiers who we thanked:
It was so amazing to see just how, in a matter of a few minutes, all of the rows filled up because of everyone's joint effort and so many helping hands.
~Weather that was in the upper 60s-lower 70's (where does Mother Nature think I live? Florida? Either way, I'm not complaining!)
~Walked around Arlington Cemetery after laying our wreaths, taking it all in, along with the beautiful views
~Grabbed a quick lunch at home and then left to go to MG's work holiday party in the afternoon--got to meet a lot of his new coworkers who I hear about all the time but hadn't met in person. No pictures were taken, but I wore my new striped navy tunic with suede elbow patches from Jess' boutique, Pearl&Monroe (originally I had on my navy vest with it, but it was so warm out that I took it off once I got there)
(you were right, Jess, I love it--and that you, me and Lynn can be triplets now haha)

~Made our way home to shower and grab some food, then head over to MG's college friends' holiday party at night--I didn't take one picture because I left my purse by the front door,  but I did snap a photo of my outfit before leaving--a green lace top, white pants and gold flats
~It was fun seeing everyone, getting to catch up since the last time we were all together, and  hanging out for the night. They had it catered and there was tons of delicious food and endless amounts of adult beverages. Several bottles of wine and champagne were gone through :)

~Made some tentative plans to host a Pajama New Years Party :) #comfortismyjam

~Slept in as much as we could after the marathon 24 hours of parties and volunteering--my feet were aching from it all (and some time was definitely spent using our foot massager from Brookstone)

~Ran some errands and prepped my gift for my work Secret Santa exchange on Friday

~took a couch nap while watching football and a Skins win
~MG and I went for a 4 mile walk, in shorts and a t-shirt, since the weather was in the 70s--I was actually sweating during the last part of our walk. Is it really December??

~Got a new mirror for the basement above the fireplace. We didn't hang it yet but I'm in love. It really feels like it completes the space so much more. Just need some pops of color now!
~Ordered ahead and went to pick up Chipotle only to find out that they had "run out of chicken and steak" (umm, what?) despite placing our order an hour in advance, and were never told. Chipotle really needs to get their sh*t together.

~Picked up real Mexican from a favorite restaurant instead:

 At least we know we won't get dysentery from Chipotle....#oregontrailreference
~Relaxing the rest of the night, reading and prepping for my last week of work before break!!

I hope your weekend was fun-filled, and you're rested up for the week and festivities ahead!
Linking up with Biana and Meghan today for Weekending!


  1. LOL your dysentery meme is great--poor Chipotle is getting pounded by all the issues! It sucks. I'm glad you were able to go to so many fun holiday parties! Can I come over for the PJ NYE party?! OK good ;) Hope this week isn't too hectic and you can enjoy it before break!!!

  2. You are a brave soul to even attempt ordering from's safe to say I will never eat there with everything going on LOL!! I love what you ended up wearing to the party and we similarly went through 3 bottles of prosecco on Saturday night! I love how much that basement has changed over the year!!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love that you participated in the wreath laying. That is so special and meaningful. And I love the idea of a pajama New Year's party--that's my kind of party now that I'm older haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. Ove the basement mirror! The round is so unique and looks amazing! Laying wreaths at Arlington s such a wonderful thing to do.

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  5. Wow! That is a LOT of parties in 24 hours! I'm sure you do need coffee this morning; I sure would! Ha! Our weather here has been in the 70's too and it makes it so hard to get in the Christmas spirit. Love that you laid wreathes at Arlington National Cemetery!

  6. Your marathon of Christmas parties sounded a lot like our weekend! It's amazing how many different parties and get togethers we can pack into a couple of weeks at Christmas! I think that's so awesome that you went a laid the wreaths at Arlington! What a wonderful way to remember all of our men and women who have served during the holiday season.

  7. Dang girl, you had a busy weekend! And I feel you on the weather, it was in the 80's here this weekend! I guess they were right about a mild winter this year. And seriously, what a fail on Chipotle's part! Not cool! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  8. holy moly three parties?! well you looked cute for all of them :) so nice to meet MGs coworkers after hearing all about them. the best. and what is up with the weather everywhere?! although doesn't make me feel as bad when it'll be a high of 87 today. never mind, that's the worst ha. happy monday!!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  9. I adore that you do Wreaths Across America. That's wonderful.

    Pajamas NYE sounds like my jam.

  10. Loved your outfit for the party! So annoying about Chipolte. I've been to Panera when I was told they ran out of bread (??!?!) and Bruggers Bagels when they ran out of bagels. Pretty confusing and irritating!!

  11. Such a fun and busy weekend - your new mirror is perfection! I love the way it looks above your fireplace!

  12. I love the idea of the Wreaths Across America. What a special way to honor our soldiers during the holidays. Every time you post about doing something around DC it makes me want to visit more and more. I'm trying to convince my parents that this should be our summer vacation destination. So far it looks like I may need to recruit someone else OR just come alone! lol

    Glad yall had a fabulous weekend! Have a great last week of school!

  13. You are the second blog I've read today about wreaths across america. I have never heard of it before today but wow it is amazing! What a great thing to be a part of.

  14. Such a packed full weekend of fun. LOVE that mirror! NYE in PJ's… that sounds like heaven to me!

  15. Loving that striped top with the suede elbow patches! And how amazing that you got to lay wreaths at Arlington - so beautiful <3

    Cheers to a fabulous week!

    Green Fashionista

  16. Wreaths across America is so amazing! Thank-you so much, it means the world to all of the families of Veterans.

  17. The wreaths at the cemetery is amazing – what a great experience for you guys! The weather this weekend was crazy – I can’t believe it! I love how many holiday parties you guys had this weekend – way to go! Haha we were suppose to get to one more this weekend but just couldn’t keep up and had to pass. The PJ’s party will be such fun – we did something similar last year and it was SO relaxing!

  18. Oh wow your the second amazing blogger who layed wreaths at the Arlington Cemetery I've read today! What an amazing experience! =)

  19. So impressed you guys fit so many holiday parties into a short amount of time-- so fun! Your fireplace is gorgeous and the new mirror really does look perfect with the space! And I can only imagine what a special experience the wreath laying was!

  20. Your posts always crack me up!!! I ALWAYS died from dysentery on that dang game.. and now I literally live at the end of the Oregon Trail (it's in Oregon City, OR) and I'm alive and well... ironic I guess. :-) I didn't know they did that at Arlington.. that is very sweet and moving and I would volunteer if I lived there as well. What a wonderful thing to do. Have a good Monday!

  21. The Arlington pictures!
    Thank you!

  22. Sounds like a great weekend to me, one year I will participate in a wreaths cross America event.

  23. That is such an amazing volunteer opportunity! Looks like you packed it all in this weekend. Love all your outfits and that food!

  24. What a fun weekend! That's awesome you can volunteer to lay Christmas wreaths at Arlington - love that!!

  25. Pretty sure I have worn that shirt three times already and we all need to coordinate one day. PJ party sounds like my jam too! J loves Chipotle and I well im ok with it. The wreath laying looks just awesome.

  26. I need the triple coffee today too. I think it's so nice that you went out and laid wreaths - that is such a thoughtful tradition.

  27. OMG, Oregon Trail was seriously my jam back in the day. Ha! What a fun weekend with so many parties, I'm jealous! A NYE Pajama Party seriously sounds like the best, and I think it's awesome that you volunteered at Arlington - I will never forget my visit there. Happy Monday!

  28. I laughed out loud at the Oregon Trail reference! I had Chipotle a couple weeks ago when we were visiting my parents in Pennsylvania and ended up getting food poisoning for 2 days! It was AWFUL! So, seems like you dodged a bullet there :)

  29. That is so wonderful that you volunteered to lay wreaths at Arlington. I would love to do that one day. Three parties, that is alot but oh so much fun. So jealous of your holiday break. I wish I got one.
    Ps-I swiped your Holiday Questionnaire today for my post. Hope you don't mind.

  30. I think it's so neat you got involved with the wreaths- that's so special! You had a full weekend - I can totally relate ;) Loving all of your cute outfits!!

  31. Aw your fireplace looks so cozy! I love that you volunteered at the cemetery...such a great cause! I love reading about everyone's holiday parties on the weekend. Sounds like fun....4 trees? lol That's crazy and 7 even more so but I'm sure it's all for the love of being festive.

  32. Sounds like a great weekend! So fun that you guys had three parties...I would have been exhausted, haha! Love the tunic with the elbow patches, navy and white stripes are so pretty. Also, the pajama New Years party sounds like such a good idea. Hope you have a great week!

  33. Such a fun weekend full of holiday parties. Also, this is the 3rd post I read today talking about Chipotle. All the ones here are shut down bc the food was contaminated. I should totally be freaked out but I'm mostly just jealous of the places that still have chipotle. That Mexican looks good though

  34. LOVE that mirror!!! Its amazing! Sounds like a fun weekend!!

  35. I love the Wreaths over America pictures and snaps you put up! Seriously, what a humbling experience. I hope you have a fabulous week, friend! xo

  36. these weekend posts make me feel like i maybe need to do a little more on my weekends! so nice of you guys to volunteer to lay wreaths, i love that.

  37. Dying from the Oregon trail pictures - hilarious! Chipotle messed up my order this past weekend too...what is their deal?! I have never heard of the wreath laying...that is seriously so awesome! What a neat thing to do!

  38. What a special event, the wreaths around Arlington are beautiful! Loving all your fun and festive outfits too! Xo, Stephanie

  39. I love that Arlington Cemetery tribute! That is absolutely beautiful. I also adore your new stripe shirt! xo, Champagne&Suburbs


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