How to Haggle With Sirius XM

Don't worry, this isn't a sponsored post, this is just me sharing my experience with Sirius XM, and how to not get price gouged by this company. 
Do you have Sirius XM in your car? I think a bunch of people tend to since it seems to come standard with new car purchases (and then they offer you free 3 or 6 months to get you roped in).

When it comes to renewal, do these things to reduce your rate. You should NOT be paying $200 a year for this service!!

1) Set a reminder in your phone a day or two before your account is going to expire. 
These people automatically bill and hope that you don't notice. And it is NEVER with a promotional rate! This way, you avoid anything being pro-rated at the old rate even if you update your service.

2) Ask them what promotions they offer. If they tell you $99 for 6 months (at the most basic package), basically tell them where they can stick it, because that's ridiculous. At this point, tell them you want to cancel. They'll go through their rigmarole about not wanting to lose a customer. Blah blah blah. Let them process it and put you through to their "supervisor" who is the only one who can complete the cancellation (insert my big eye roll emoji here)

3) When the supervisor comes on the line, explain to him/her that you aren't going to pay X amount when you know someone who pays $99 for a year subscription and more than just the basic package (and you do--ME!) and if they can't offer you that price, then you'll cancel. 
Magically the gates of Heaven open, angels sing, and those mysterious promotional rates re-appear and get added to your account! Amazing how that happens!
4) On the off chance that this doesnt happen (it's been about 5 years since they haven't offered me anything), be ok with cancelling. Likely, it will only last a few days, before you get emails and phone calls with those magical offers that no one could find before.

And that's it! You just saved yourself almost $100 on your XM subscription!


  1. Ahhh I am so impressed you can do this - I just cannot haggle with people at all! So awesome you got the lower price!

  2. Great tips! I have XM in my car but decided not to renew when my free trial was up. Love that you can haggle with them--I may have to think about that!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Love this. I was so sad when my free subscription expired-I just haven't been willing to sign back up when I have free radio. But I rode with my mom who has it this weekend and totally got hooked back on 'Siriusly sinatra'. I am considering paying for it for that ONE station!

  4. Love it! My car has it, and we are pretty sure the former owner has it on auto-bill because we haven't paid for it in almost two years! Oops! But Brandon price haggles with all of our services (DirecTV, AT&T, credit card companies for better rates, etc.) and it's so worth it!

  5. haha i've totally done this a few times. well until i got bluetooth music in my car and now i'm just too lazy. but glad you talk about it bc no one should be paying those stupid fees. that's redic! i do miss some of the stations though :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. SiriusXM might be the only people I haggle with but once I learned how? Girl. Life changing. You can get them down to $25/6 months and it's so worth it!

  7. Totally agree!! Directv will do the same if you say you are going to cancel.

  8. So true! This just happened to us last month when mine expired. We paid $200 for our first subscription so when ours was expiring and they started offering us rates like $100, $50, all the way down to only FIVE dollars to renew, I was like what?!?! How can I renew when I know you just robbed me.

  9. My husband bought 3 lifetime subscriptions back in the good ol' days when they offered this service... and luckily we've been able to transfer it from car to car to car! It's amazing that we can avoid haggling on just this one luxury item! :)

  10. So funny! My husband does this kind of stuff all. the. time. XM, cable,'s amazing what you can get when you threaten to cancel!

  11. I let them cancel it before and they came back at me with $15 for six months. Um. Okay. LOLOL YOU LOSE Sirius.

  12. I totally cracked up at the title of this post, because we JUST went through this a few months ago when B's subscription expired. We ended up haggling and getting the lower price as well. We will not ever be paying $200/month for satellite radio!

  13. I haggled and got stuck with the mostly music plan and I missed a few channels so I upgraded. I am paying $216 a year now it looks like, I need to re-haggle! Thanks for this! P.S. I am blogging about your buffalo chicken zucchini boats Thursday, they were soooo delicious!

  14. Yes!!! I love haggling with them, they are always pretty good about giving deals.

  15. This is awesome because it's so true (I know from many years of experience). I added Sirius to my car when Howard Stern switched over, over 10 years and EVERY SINGLE time they charge my card I call and ask to cancel. Exactly what you explained happens. I consistently get about twice the amount of time for the price they originally charged or the same time period for half the original price. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Good to know! Cable, internet etc. they're all the same

  17. YES, best post I've read today, hahaha. My husband does this every time his goes up on his car, calls in and gets a deal by something he finds on Google!

  18. Yes! I find they rarely won't give you some kind of deal when you want to cancel which is nice because who doesn't love a deal. My mother is the Queen of Haggling with services like this or cable and internet. She will call companies say okay they are offering this can you do better? and then she will call the first back and say okay they bettered your offer, what more can you do? hahaha

  19. We get XM for $5/month! My husband is a pro haggler LOL


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