Bumpin' Through the 2nd Trimester

Since I'm rounding the corner into my third trimester, I figure now would be a good time for a bump date so I can keep a record of these weeks and my ever-growing baby bump!

How Far Along: 26 weeks...last week of my second trimester which is kind of unbelievable!
Size of Baby: According to three separate sources she's either the length of a scallion, head of lettuce or eggplant. Either way, she weighs a little under 2 pounds roughly.

Gender: Still a girl! It's been so fun referring to her as "she" when we talk about her. Makes me feel more connected to her.

Weight Gain: about 14-15 pounds, which is apparently right on track according to my docs. It's still a shock to look down at the scale and see numbers I've never seen in my life, but a good shock because it means baby girl is growing away happily in there!

Food Cravings: still craving chocolate. Every. Day.

Food Aversions: I still don't have any aversions other than cooking fish myself which means we haven't had fish at home for several months.

Movement: Yes, our girl is a wiggly, kicking active little baby in there. So much so that the other night, MG was spooning me as we were going to sleep and he had to move his arm because baby girl was kicking his arm so much that he couldn't fall asleep. We had a good laugh at that :)

Sleep: Still sleeping through the night, and only getting up some nights to go to the bathroom (I'm sure that's about to change in the coming weeks). I've been sleeping with a wedge that my SIL got me for Christmas which helps support the bump when I'm laying on my side (or your back and in between legs). Unfortunately for Cooper, it's taken up the spot that he normally lays in, so he's been going back and forth between trying to lay ON the wedge, and resigning himself to sleeping by my legs.
{via} Highly recommend this!
Clothing: Oh it's pretty much all maternity stuff. I can still get into some tops that are looser, and I can still fit my bump into my long winter coat, but based on the limited space currently, I have a feeling that coat's only going to work (and be zipped) for a few more weeks.
I ordered another dress off of Zulily this past weekend for my baby shower in PA and hoping this one works just as well as the purple one did that I got a few weeks ago 
Other Pregnancy Symptoms: some reflux here and there but it's very minor and only occasional, thankfully.

What I Miss: the other night at dinner with our friends I did really want a dirty martini (I settled for the feta stuffed olives instead haha), and I'm still craving that turkey sandwich from the deli by my work but am resisting the urge so far.

Best Moment: I have two for this one: 1) getting to feel her head/butt pressing against my stomach where I can literally see my stomach's shape change, and feel the hardness of her body parts. It's really a cool feeling. I haven't seen any feet or hands yet, but I hear that's coming. 
2) During her echocardiogram last week, her heart looked normal and so did her size. She's a healthy little girl in there and just hoping it stays that way. It's always so fun to get to see her little body in there, moving around. In case you missed my Instagram post last week, she's also already showing her girl power:
Looking Forward To: Someone asked me if I felt her hiccup yet and I said I didn't know to which I was told "you'll know" so I guess that's something to look forward to, although I have no idea what that's going to feel like.
Also looking forward to my baby shower in March since the date for that has been set and invites are going out this weekend! Curious to see what my bestie has in store :)

We'll see what the third trimester brings! :)


  1. I love that purple dress on you! I think pregnant women are so beautiful, and you definitely are! I can't believe you're already this far along in your pregnancy, too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Grow, baby, grow! I love that striped dress you ordered. And, neither of my boys ever got hiccups (or at least that I felt)! I totally wish I could have felt that, but they never did -- but they DID do that random alien thing where they drag their feet across my belly and it was totally shocking/cool/weird/amazing.

  3. Yay for an upcoming baby shower! Getting all the baby things is so much fun! And that purple dress is fabulous!!

  4. You look awesome pretty Mama!!! Can't believe you are almost to the third trimester!! I wish I had one of those little wedges for sleeping!! the big boppy pillows were always just too big to me!

  5. All the best with the rest of your pregnancy and delivery. Exciting times!
    I found your page from the linkup and I followed your social media. Look forward to interacting with you.

  6. That purple dress looks great and it's so pretty!!! On the hick ups because he was head down I always felt them down lower. You will for sure know when she has them the pattern is just like when we have them.

  7. I can't believe it's almost your third trimester already!! Can't wait to see that sweet baby girl!

  8. Girl you are ROCKIN that dress! I love the floral pattern! So exciting to be able to just refer to her as "she" :) I love it! You are lookin FAB, girlfriend!

  9. Wow, I can't believe it's the end of the second trimester.

  10. The PA baby shower dress is cute too! Can't wait to see how it looks on! And let's hope that little groundhog Phil was wrong, because my winter coat DEFINITELY won't zip in 6 more weeks! Ha! XOXO, R

  11. Oh the baby hiccups!!! I loved those and towards the end, Hadley had them every single day! You look so great lady - that dress was made for you!

  12. You look fantastic!! :) I slept with 2 body pillows every night and it was glorious.

  13. You look SO cute! I can't believe that you're already about to start your 3rd trimester... it seems like this pregnancy flew by!

    And girl, that wedge was a Godsend. I used it every single night with both of my pregnancies and I STILL use it every night to this day. Not for my stomach, though. Lol. I love tucking it between my knees to keep my hips aligned while I sleep. That way I don't wake up sore. #OldLadyStatus Haha.

  14. That pillow/wedge thing is genious! Love that purple flowered dress on you. You look amazing!

  15. Oh my goodness. You are just too cute pregnant!! Love that dress! I had a pregnancy pillow that my husband hated. I loved it. I still have slight aversions to chicken even to this day. I hate cooking with it now. I used to not even be around it while pregnant. But I love eating it, just can't stand being around it raw.

  16. i'll have to keep that wedge in mind, i've heard it's really painful to sleep as you get bigger. yay lol. that dress looks gorgeous on you, hope the striped one works as well! i love zulily!

  17. Love this update!! I can't believe how cute maternity clothes are now!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  18. That wedge looks super helpful while sleeping! I should have tried that. I hated the big snoogle style pillows, but I think a wedge for support would have helped. My hips got so sore while sleeping. I've been pregnant twice now and I've never felt my babies hiccup lol. Or I just didn't know that a certain movement meant they were?! That purple flower dress is gorgeous!

  19. So hard to believe that you're already entering your third trimester! I'm cracking up about Cooper - that's exactly where Finn likes to sleep with me, too so I'm sure he won't be too happy when a bump occupies that space.

  20. Pregnancy looks amazing on you! So cute she's an active little one and even kicked at MJ's hand. I havent heard about the wedge pillow before but sounds much needed to be comfy and get a good night of sleep with the growing belly. Lil coop must know something's up. :-)

  21. Aw, it must be great to be able to say "she." That wedge looks awesome. Poor Cooper though!!!


  22. Look good Mama! I always craved chocolate too! Actually before ever getting pregnant, I didn't really like sweets, but after having my first all I want is chocolate and sweets, it's so weird!

    I love that floral dress, it looks so good on you!

  23. I know I say it every time, but I am so excited for you! You look great and I'm glad you're feeling well! Once you feel her hiccup for the first time, it will seem like she hiccups all the time! Haha

  24. Looking great mama!! Pregnancy pillow help so much when your trying to get some much needed sleep.

  25. You look great! Hopefully you continue to sleep well!

  26. You look great! Pregnancy looks good on you :) I love that floral dress! Great baby update :)

  27. Glad you are feeling well - I can't believe how time is flying by :)

  28. You look so great!! Just wait for the hiccups... Vivi has them like 5-6 times a day for like 10 minutes at a time. It's crazy! My whole stomach jumps


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