This N That

A post with a little of this, and a little of that!

~I'm loving this warmer weather we've been having! The only downfall is that the heat is still on in my office and even when it's not turned on, the hot air seeps out of my vents. On Tuesday I was SO hot that one of the teachers I saw said "you look like you got some sun today" and I said "no...that's just my cheeks flushed from being so hot". It was so hot, in fact, that it shot my blood sugar numbers up!
Lucky for me, I'm friends with the building guy and he shut off my heat. Now let's hope there aren't any freak 30 degree days or I'll be a little icicle in here!

~MG got back from a work trip to Germany last night for a few days. I was a little nervous about him being gone, but I'm 34 weeks and SHOULD be ok. Then my friend who was a week ahead of me got induced at 35 weeks (on Monday) and I semi panicked. Luckily she and baby are doing well, and me and baby are good, and MG is back home so I can stop having mini panic sessions. #phew
~With MG's travel, we now totally have enough miles to get ourselves to Hawaii which has been a goal of ours since Greece!
When we will be able to actually take said trip, who knows....but at least we have the miles now! #thankyouworktrips
{via} I can already picture myself lounging on the beach...haha
~I have my PA shower this weekend and I think only like 4 people have gotten stuff for us off of our registry, which is a little disappointing. I'm sure we'll still get some cute/nice things, but there are still things on there that we need, so I guess we'll just be buying a bunch of stuff after this weekend. (I totally don't mean that to sound ungrateful at all, so if it comes off that way, I don't mean it to!)

~Also on that note, why do people ask you if you already have certain things, when they can clearly see that you registered for it, and someone bought it? It's like when people text asking details about a wedding when you sent them the information cards. Look it up!! (again, not trying to sound ungrateful, just a small rant!)

~I started reading a book by an author I've really liked in the past (Harlan Coben), and I started with the first book in a series he's written, but I'm finding that it was written so long ago (1995) that it's totally out of date. Like they're talking about using *69 to figure out who called. Those kind of things kind of take me out of the story a bit--does anyone else ever have that happen? I'm regretting spending $8 on the Kindle edition. Womp womp.

~I have no idea what to wear for our newborn photo shoot once our baby girl arrives. I have no idea what my body is gonna look like or what's going to fit which is my main problem... any advice from mamas? I'm thinking I'll just wear one of my flowy pre-pregnancy shirts and hope it covers whatever bumps and bulges there are!

~Did you guys see that they are doing a Southern Charm Savannah??? Apparently starting in May! Read about it here if you didn't see it already!
~I made dinner Monday night and had 4 servings worth of food. And by the time I had it for the third time, I was kind of over it. But I hate to waste food. One of the problems with cooking for one I suppose (but I did enjoy not cooking dinner the next night!)

~Speaking of food, I'm making the best meatballs ever today in my crock pot! I've made them so many times and I always forget to take pictures to share with you, but I didn't forget this time and I'm gonna share the recipe with you all next week! They are SO easy and SOOOOOO good!

Ok, on that drool-worthy note, I'm off!


  1. Yum I love a good crock pot meatball recipe!! So happy MG is home and you didn't have the baby while he was gone! I always thought the same thing when I was pregnant with my first, that I would be OK when my husband would go on a guys trip when I was 30 something weeks but then with my 2nd my water broke at 32 weeks so yeah, when #3 came around he didn't go on any trips at all while I was pregnant LOL. For newborn pics, I would choose something simple, like a plain white or black top or maybe a blush and yes, a little flowy would be good too :) I always wore jeans and a solid top because I liked the basic comfortable look.

  2. A spin off Southern Charm!! Yes please.

    And no, you aren't sounding ungrateful for your shower. I agree, you put things on your registry that you need as opposed to someone getting you an item they think is cute but maybe not needed. Can you tell I love registries? Don't forget you get a discount coupon to "complete" your registry.

  3. Hooray for the MR being back in town! I would have been a little on edge too haha! Can't wait to see the meatball recipe- yum!

  4. With Walker (who was born in January), I wore leggings and an oatmeal-colored long-sleeved shirt. With Knox (who was born in May), I was able to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans (just wasn't able to button them) and a white short-sleeved shirt. We did ours at home, too, with both boys, which was so nice. Whatever you decide to wear, just make sure you're comfortable or it will definitely show through on your face that you're not!

  5. You don't sound ungrateful - I was the same way when I was pregnant. I was so stressed that we wouldn't have anything that we needed and how would we pay for it all?! Alas, it all worked out. I had NO idea about Southern Charm in Savannah, woo hoo!

  6. I always try and get stuff off the registry when people have one! Mind you most of the baby showers I have gone to didn't have great registries because they only had the big things and sorry I'm not getting you a stroller, when I only see you once a year but you still invited me to your baby shower hahaha

    I love a good meatball crockpot recipe! I love most crockpot recipes because they are normally easy!

    Happy Thursday!

  7. YEA for MG being back!!! And I hear ya about the registry girl; we did end up buying a lot of stuff on our own, but I feel it was inevitable with twins! And PS, when you're ready for the Hawaii trip... I've got recommendations! :) XOXO, R

  8. So jealous of y'all already having enough flyer miles for Hawaii!!! The plane tickets are the most expensive part of going to Hawaii so that's what's keeping us on the mainland right now. I'll live vicariously through you!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  9. I don't think you sound ungrateful at all. I know sometimes people forget to mark that it's been purchased (because I've forgotten) especially if they buy it in the store and then don't tell the checkout person it's for a gift. I'm a huge registry person though and always check it. Then I try and find something cute to go along with it! hint hint wink wink! :)

    And YAS!! I just saw the preview for Southern Charm Savannah and am so excited! I mentioned it in my post today too!!! I don't think it will be better than the originall but hopefully still good!

  10. Oh pleeeeeeease share the recipe! I had a different recipe for slow cooker meatballs, but one of the ingredients made my sensitive pregnancy nose go haywire, so I'm looking for a new recipe!

  11. Can't wait for the recipe!! I didn't do maternity photos or newborn photos. I just didn't have the time, I know terrible mom, so I am no help there but I am thinking just something pretty and flowy would probably work.

  12. *69 hahahaha. That's great! I hadn't heard about Souther Charm Savannah! Yay! I have to say the Charleston one annoys me quite a bit. Like I don't understand why Cameron is still on the show. She had NO story line last season. Sounds like you have plenty of things to keep you busy until baby comes!

  13. Meatballs in the crockpot?!?! Uhhhh yeah, I'm going to need that recipe soon, please! Glad you remembered to take pics this time!!!

  14. It drives me crazy with showers when people go buying you random things instead of stuff off the registry. Outfits are cute but there's stuff you all actually NEED that I'm sure you'd rather have! I don't think you sound ungrateful at all, just practical :) Glad to hear MG is back. I'm sure it was stressful having him out of the country with you being so close!

  15. We had our baby shower last month and had a similar experience with people not buying from our registry. Luckily between all of the returns, gift cards, and coupons, we probably got about $6-700 worth of stuff that we needed and only paid around $125 out of pocket. We were very excited about it haha. So it might work out better than you're anticipating! I'm due tomorrow (but pretty sure this baby is going to be 13 before he's born) and have no idea what to wear for newborn photos. I'm thinking I'll have to run out and get something loose fitting, because I'm not anticipating loving the fit of any of my pre-pregnancy clothes lol.

  16. I don't mind reading books from the past. It's like a nice reminder of how things were and how different they are now. I love the Myron Bolitar series!

  17. I did a really cute dress that was more of a shift, so it didn't hug anything. Your body is not your own in the days after pregnancy, so loose fitting is best.

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  18. I always find that when you find out the sex of the baby and it is a girl, all people want to buy girly things and clothing and not what is on the registry. It frustrated my sister too, she had already picked out my nieces name too so everything was monogrammed. I understand the frustration. Re: cooking for 1, I do that all the time and I try to make things that can be either re purposed or frozen when I am in the mood for it. It is so hard when you don't want to throw away food!

  19. It really drives me crazy when people do not buy from the registry, it was created for a reason. I do hope you have a wonderful time.

  20. I'm the opposite, I like the use of older things in books. Makes me feel nostalgic, I guess. Did you read "Stay Close" and "Missing You"?

  21. When my husband isn't around/traveling, I make dinners but usually try to be sure they're freezer-friendly. I'll eat it once, keep enough out for leftovers and then freeze the rest. Perfect for nights I don't feel like cooking too.

  22. Mm...meatballs in crockpots are great! I tend to eat a lot of the same food throughout the week, but I don't mind and it works for me. I can see getting tired of it though. Yay for miles to make it Hawaii. That's awesome. :)

    Sorry about the shower and lack of registry gifts - maybe people bought some of them but forgot to mark it on the registry or bought it from another store/site? Hopefully! I can understand the frustration though. Registries are created for a reason and I'm sure you don't want to spend a ton of money on the things you NEED that nobody else bothered to get.


  23. I don't think Southern Charm Savannah looks anywhere near as awesome as Southern Charm Charleston! These people look like a snooze but I'll still at least give it a try. Hope your shower goes well!! Pretty annoying about the registry stuff.. people seem to be missing the point of why you even bothered to register somewhere haha :) :)

  24. Yay for Hawaii!! And I cannot wait for you to share the meatball recipe. You always have the best recipes so I will definitely be trying that out! I'm not entirely sold on Southern Charm Savannah, I'll give it a try though. <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  25. Glad that nothing happened w/ you and baby while your man was gone! What a relief! I can't wait to see this meatball recipe! Yumm!

  26. don't be discouraged yet! a lot of people might buy things last minute or depending on where you registered, they might not have scanned it properly. i know someone who buys things based on registries but she looks elsewhere for the cheapest price, so it's not marked as such. that being said, i know i've never had a kid, but i look back on my wedding registry and wish i didn't focus on it so much. because people want to buy you things you need but they also want to have a bit of fun, and babies are 100 times more fun than weddings, right?! but now that i know that, i don't want a baby shower. like you, i don't want to seem ungrateful, but i don't want a bunch of stuff i don't want or need. my best friend has told me she doesn't care and is throwing me one anyway haha.
    how exciting about hawaii! can't wait to see your meatball recipe, i have tried a few and hated them all so i'm still looking.

  27. I just heard about Southern Charm Savannah - definitely have to read about that one!

  28. Glad MG is back and you and baby are safe so you don't have to feel panicked. Yay for having enough points to visit Hawaii at some point. My husband travels quite a bit too so hopefully we can rack up enough points to make our Europe trip happen sooner than later.

  29. Southern Charm Savannah?! How did I not know about this?! And for newborn pictures, I went with a flowy maxi dress and it was perfect. I got a white one though which I would not recommend - didn't think that one through beforehand ;)


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