
Weekly Wins

Three posts in a row?? Who am I? 
I'm back with another edition of my weekly wins!

~I got out for a walk every day this week because the weather has been so nice out! And yesterday it was with my new neighbor friend and her two kids. It was nice to get in the exercise and also have some adult chatting time.

~I started a new book and actually read more than one chapter! So happy Im getting some reading time in now more and more.

~Ella has slept for 7 and 8 hour stretches at night this week! All the praise hands for long, almost normal stretches of sleep!
~I got a much needed massage on Wednesday and it was wonderful! Plus I found a masseuse who was phenomenal--I'll totally be going back to him!

~Ella is FULL of smiles now and SO alert! It makes every day so much more engaging and rewarding. And just downright cute!
~I have a FabFitFun box arriving soon and I can't wait for the goodies!

~Brittany and I got a chance to chat for a while yesterday morning--so glad that we have each other!

~I figured out whats wrong with my blog background and contacted the designer. Apparently they can't fix it bc of an issue with Photobucket but they're willing to give me a new template for free. Just need to find the time to install it and fidget...oh, and actually pick one out. So keep an eye out for a new look here at some point!

~My mom was able to come and spend the day with us on Wednesday again. She got in some good quality time with Ella, including story time!
~We have a week at the lake with family this coming week and I'm excited for a change of scenery and having more helping hands around. The house is supposed to be gorgeous and has its own dock. Oh and did I mention a trip to a winery?? Yes please!

~Lastly, my baby is two months old today! I can't believe it! We also have her two month appt today which means shots. Pray for her (and me) that they go ok! I'm nervous about the after effects!

I'm probably gonna be MIA next week just soaking in the family time so Ill catch you guys around after! Have a great 4th!!


  1. Bummer you have to have a new template but I'm so glad she's giving you a replacement. That's stressful! Oh those long stretches of sleep are wonderful and that smile is beautiful. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I'm so thankful for YOU and appreciate your sweet advice. It made me feel so much better! (And yay for 7-8 hours of sleep!)

  3. Happy 2 months sweet Ella! I'm DYING to meet you! That is so great you guys got to spend time with your mom. I know she was in Heaven!

  4. Her little scrunchy nose smile is the best!! I can't believe she is already 2 months old.

  5. Have a WONDERFUL vacation, and happy 2 months to Ella! What's the book that you're reading? I'm always looking for some good ones!

  6. Hope you have a great trip!!! She looks just like you with those smiles :) Shots I think are worse on us moms than them..ugh! They have always gone fine for us with zero issues after so prayers everything goes well for Miss Ella also.

  7. Oh my heavens. What a sweet little bundle she is! Mine just turned 7 months and I feel like I was JUST pregnant with him a few weeks ago. Stay safe out on the water and have a great holiday weekend!

  8. Aww happy 2 months, Ella! That's so great that she's sleeping well, and seriously, she has your eyes :) Enjoy your weekend!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  9. I love Coop getting in some story time too! I need to come see the smiles for myself! Maybe sometime next month? do you go back to work before or after Labor Day?

  10. She is just too cute! I had issues with photobucket too right before I switched to WP.


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