Best Compliment

 Happy Friday, everyone!!! I have to admit, I wasn't really entirely swept up in all of the Royal Wedding hub-bub. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to see Kate in her dress and the vows, and the balcony kiss, but all of the stuff leading up to it was getting to be kind of overwhelming. But, now that the day is here, and I watched part of the wedding from home (and the kiss from work), I am swept up in the magic of it now. I guess it's that little girl prince/princess wedding fantasy.
And, dang it, they look SO happy (which is even more impressive with ALL of the pressure on them)!

 As most girls probably do, I think Kate is gorgeous. She isn't a typical form of what most would consider "hot," but I think a more appropriate term is that she is stunning. And she looks kind, like a super friendly, sweet person that you would love to be friends with (even if she wasn't a princess). I think she seems to have the perfect combination of pretty, friendly, worldy, personable etc etc etc etc :)

Well, this brings me to, what might be, one of the best compliments I've ever gotten. When I was out visiting Boyfriend, and the Royal Wedding stuff was on tv....they were talking about Kate going out shopping to local stores and showed several pictures of her... Boyfriend has said before that she is pretty, attractive, etc (I can't blame him...I agree!) and in this moment he says to me "She looks a lot like you"....Insert my mouth falling to the floor while a HUGE smile swept across my face. I told him that that was an incredibly amazing compliment, and I truly take it that way. Even if I don't necessarily see it (and many of you might not either), if there is even a slight resemblance, I will take it. And, if that's what Boyfriend sees, I am 100% a-okay with that!! Here's to awesome compliments that can make your day, week, month, etc!
Have a royally-fabulous Friday, all!


  1. awww I love when they are sweet...and you do have very similar features =)

  2. Thanks Ashley! You just made my day! :) Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I must agree with Ashley do! :) That was very sweet of your boyfriend! And you are beautiful yourself :)

  4. Aww Kae, thank you! :) You guys continue to make my day better and better!

  5. Aww that's so sweet! I do see a resemblance between you two! You're very pretty!

  6. Hi I'm visiting from Mingle Monday and wanted to check out some of your other posts! I love the dress you picked out to wear if you were going to the wedding and I agree with your bf, you and Kate kinda look a like!


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