Escape Artist

Ok, third post for the day (I'm making up for not being around for a week, hehe).

Boyfriend just sent me this:

So, the day after I fly into and out of Chicago-Midway in rain, on Southwest, this happens. And I escaped the mega tornado on Friday when I was in St. Louis.

I think I have super powers. Just call me the Natural Disaster Escape Artist (**I'm knocking on wood as I say this so as not to get trapped somewhere for real). I need a logo. And a cape. Need to go to the gym some more for spandex suit, though :)

Ok, that's it for the natural disaster talks from me! Just thought this one was too ironic not to share! Have a good night, blog friends!


  1. Ugh! We keep having tornado watches too, so annoying! Glad you made it home safely though anddd you got to see the boyf!!

  2. I also just flew into MDW Sun afternoon on Southwest. Thank goodness we both made it safely! Yikes!

  3. Thanks girls! I hope you both stay safe--this weather lately has been crazy!!


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