I'm Being Watched....

First of all, Happy Friday to all of you! I'm super excited that it's the weekend, and not just because it's my birthday this weekend :)

My post was going to be very light and fluffy, but I had something happen yesterday that I just needed to share.

I was contacted yesterday by someone from my past who I had dated for a short while after my long term, long-distance relationship (I won't say any names or initials, if you've been following for a while, you can figure it out), who claims that several of his friends have contacted him to let him know that I have written (or am writing) horrible things about him and the end of our relationship. He told me to take them down or he would take me to court. He then contacted me again, minutes later, saying that he had checked it out for himself and that he couldn't find anything bad.

There are several things about this that either don't add up and/or bother me:

1) A small handful of my actual friends know that I have a blog. None of those people are friends with him. So who these "people" are (who are SO misinformed), makes me wonder...
2) He never knew the name of my blog or the www address. And if no one that we know in common knows about my blog, and I have no facebook groups or things like that that link people to my blog, how would "they," or he, have found it without a pretty decent search, specifically looking for it.
3) I have never written anything bad about him or when we stopped seeing one another. Even though there was plenty that I could have said about the things that went on, I kept those to myself. Like many of you know, your private life is your private life. I share the light and happy stuff on here, but obviously life isn't perfect. I don't talk about the intimate details of my relationships on here. Never have, never will.
4)Why would you accuse someone of something without checking out the claim yourself beforehand?
5) This was well over 6 months ago. It wasn't yesterday or last week. Seems kind of random and out of nowhere.
6) The fact that he now knows what my blog is and has access to my everyday things and personal details about myself and my relationship with MG really weirds me out. There was a reason why we stopped being friends on facebook and stopped communicating. I wanted him to be no part of my life whatsoever. So the fact that he can now check in on me whenever he wants, really just sketches me out.

So, when this all happened, initially I was bummed because I started to worry that I wouldn't be able to share everything I wanted to on here that I would normally share. Not mean stuff (that's not what my blog is about), but the personal things about me and my life that people from my past don't need to, and shouldn't, be a part of.  But, I'm not going to let him stop me.  The whole point of my blog is to connect with other people, but if people in my past want to check up on me and keep track of my life, then that's fine. I'm going to keep going on with my life, and enjoying the people and things that are in it, just like I've always done.  I'm the happiest in my relationship with MG than I have ever been with anyone else I've been with. I love him with everything that I have. And I'm going to continue to share that. No matter who is reading/watching.

So, to spin things into a positive note, what I can take from all of this is the following:

I was talking to a friend about this whole situation yesterday and was telling her I wish that I had never met him. And she said "But what if you had to meet him  in order to find {MG}?"....and of course I paused, smiled, and knew that she was right (and that I had to admit it haha).
I would go through it a hundred times over if it meant meeting MG at the end of it.
There are several sayings that say things like "You have to go through the rain storms to fully appreciate the sun" ...you know the other ones, that basically mean you have to go through some icky stuff to fully appreciate when you have something great.

So that's what I'm taking from this. I wouldn't trade MG for anything in the world, and if I had to go through some crappy stuff to get there, then I'm ok with that. I just hope the icky stuff and the people from my past stay in the past.

So, I leave you with that happy note to end the week and start the weekend with. Now I'm off to get through the work day and get my birthday weekend started!


  1. Ewwww who's the creeper! YUCK!

    YAY MG and happy stuff!!!



    1. Yay birthday weekend!!! Can't wait to party with you!!! :)

  2. Well written my friend! And Amen to all you said!!

    Sidebar: now I'm going to be singing that song: "I often feel like somebody's watching meeeeeeee --- and I have no privacy"

  3. Ugh, creepers are NO fun, but this post is amazing and so very true! I went through a looooong relationship with way too much drama, and he contacted me several times in the past few years--once with a horrible hate e-mail, and then another begging to let him back in my life--and it just proves that things happen for a reason.

    I love your blog and I love reading about all your fun adventures!!!! :) Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!!

    1. Thank you...I love having you as a follower :)

  4. thats is crazy, but keep writing about what you love to, btw happy brithday!


  5. i have someone who reads/stalks my blog that i heard about thru the grapevine. a former "friend" that i just don't want in my life. But i'm with you, my blog is MINE and i'm not letting anyone censor me or make me feel like i have to hold back. I thought about going private (and still contemplate) but i don't want to feel like i'm hiding from anything. I'm glad you're addressing this and standing up for your blog!

    And the pic at the end is too adorable for words! haha.

    1. Thanks for your comments Shay! I refuse to let someone make me feel a certain way. Especially someone who is not a part of my life anymore, and really has no bearing on things IN my life. I'm glad that you're sticking up for yourself, too! :)

  6. Happy Friday and Happy Early Birthday!!! Really weird (and creepy) that this happened to you! Just remember what your friend said though...you wouldn't be where you are today without all the bumps in the road you've hit along the way:)

  7. Happy early birthday! I wouldn't worry too much about this guy- if he's really that pathetic that he needs to constantly monitor what's going on in your life, then you're way better off with him. Plus - all he's going to see is how you've moved on and are happy, and maybe then he'll leave you alone.

  8. This is so creepy. I love how you have no regrets though. I really shows character and the fact that you are handling this in this way shows that you have grown so much more than your ex. Don't let him dictate what you write. He's not in your life anymore and doesn't deserve to be :)

  9. That is the worst, when people jump to conclusion like that. Glad you are taking the high road and continuing on with your great blog!


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