WILW and Oh How Pinteresting

Happy Hump Day! So excited that we've hit the half-way point of the week (altho admittedly, Friday would be that much sweeter).  So, I'm doing my two fav link ups of the week!

I'm loving that the weather in this area is supposed to clear up. It's been rain rain rain and I'm over it, over it, over it! Might even be able to catch a baseball game this weekend!

I'm loving that MG's pool opens this weekend! Wooohoo! Time to break out the bathing suits (oh crap, that means I need to go to the gym....whoops!)

I'm loving that MG and I are going to be looking at paint colors this weekend for his condo (should I say "our" condo?). We already know what colors we want to do for each room, but need to go and pick out exactly the right ones. If we get ambitious, we might actually get some of it started this weekend, too!

I'm loving that there is less than 2 months of living with roommate from Hades, and 19 days of school left for this school year. Can't come soon enough!!!

I'm loving that I found out that the school district I want to get into has 4 open positions. I submitted my resume on Monday, let my old supervisor know that I did (who said she would let the head of the department know), and am keeping my fingers crossed for an interview and good news!

I'm loving going through my camera on my phone and seeing old pictures of Cooper, especially ones with him and my old roommate and friend (who I miss tons and tons). They're so cute!!

And as always, I'm loving Pinterest and it's awesomeness!

This week I've been pinning....

Two of the colors in here are ones we are planning on using--one in the bedroom and one in the dining room. Can you guess which ones? :)  (When I looked at these on my work computer, they look different than they do on my home computer....boo)

Love this outfit, especially the dress! Want!

Crock Pot, Apple Cobbler cake mix I want to eat this. Like, now!

This is SO true....Case and point, above!!

Teehee, just too cute!

This just makes me laugh. If you have dogs, you get it.

Follow Me on Pinterest

What have you been pinning? Show me your stuff!!!

Laters, baby! ;) (yes, I'm still reading it...)


  1. wait, i thought OUR link-up was your favorite of the week! :)
    Cute Pick of Coop and G.

    Yay for nice weather!

  2. the yellow dress is so cute!

  3. I'm so in love with that yellow dress.

  4. Our condo, yay!

    Hooray for FINALLY some sun! xoxo

  5. Good luck with the job! I hope you get one of the four positions!! And definitely "OUR condo" :)

    Also, that pic of the dog with its face in front of the fan made me laugh.

  6. Yay!! Crossing my fingers for good news for a new job:) Only 19 school days left? I'm SOO jealous - that's so exciting!!

  7. I SO get that last pin. I have three dogs.
    I. Get. It.


    Happy Wednesday, friend!

  8. That unicorn picture is HILARIOUS. I'm actually laughing out loud! And then I almost died when I saw the "Laters, baby".. still one of my fave books!

    Happy Wednesday!!


  9. omg crock pot apple cobbler!? Sounds super easy & super delicious!! I might need to try that!


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