WILW and Oh How Pinteresting

It's Wednesday!! That 3-day weekend's thrown me off, but at least the week is going by quicker (for now, anyway).

Time for some link-ups with Michelle and Jamie!

I'm loving that MG and I had such a good time this weekend in Minnesota (recap is coming, don't worry). Here's a sneak peek of one of the pics from the weekend:
On the Vikings' field before the game
I'm loving that the weather is supposed to be a little warmer these next few days. Perfect Fall weather....I'm not ready to jump right into Winter.

I'm loving Afrin. I came down with a cold this weekend while I was away and Afrin saved the day for me, letting me actually be able to breathe during the day (and the night). It did nothing for my voice that was going away, but being able to breathe is important, and I was thankful for it!

I'm loving Cooper. He was full of wiggles when my mom came to pick up MG and I at the airport on Monday. He could hardly contain his excitement when he saw us in the car. Love that little guy!

I'm loving having more vacations to look forward to in the distance future. More on that later!

And, as always, I'm loving Pinterest!

This week I've been pinning....

This can find its way into my closet, asap!

Love this idea for the home!

Confetti Mac and Cheese
Sleepy pups....so cute!

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What have YOU been pinning this week?
Hope you have a good Wednesday!


  1. Ummm confetti mac n cheese? Yes please!!!

  2. I love the burlap frames and saying about when your show comes back on hahaa. That was funny!

  3. That mac and cheese looks so yummy & I love the Patrick pin! So true!! haha

    xo, Heather


  4. Thanks for stopping by the blog today!! I love your pins too! That mac and cheese looks delicious - I might have to make it this weekend!


  5. oh I've never heard of the medicine before! hope you fell 100% soon :)

    have a great day!

    xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

  6. Haha the bathroom one is awesome! So true. Those puppies are pretty adorable too!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!