WILW and Oh How Pinteresting

It's Wednesday and you know what that means!! Time to link up with Jamie and Michelle:

I'm loving (really really loving), that MG comes back home this morning. Two and a half weeks was long enough (military wives, don't laugh at me) So, when I get back home from work today, he will be there! Wooohoo!

I'm loving that in less than a month, MG and I will be going on another adventure (we feel like quite the jet-setters lately), off to Puerto Rico for a week! I'm SO looking forward to days spent exploring and relaxing here:
(Yes, you have permission to give me the evil eye right now. It's ok! :)
I'm loving high-low dresses/skirts. I bought one on-line but it did not work out for me (the top looked like a big bag #ittybittycommittee), but I still have hopes that I'll find a stellar one (perhaps in time for Puerto Rico??).

I'm loving that even though I don't have a HUGE group of endless friends, the friends that I DO have are insanely amazing.  (Especially ones who let me call them at 1am as I'm taking a cab home from DC alone.) I'm lucky to have such quality friends, over quantity.
I'm loving quality time with my parents. They don't live too far away, but during the week, traffic in the DC area makes it almost impossible to go see them. I was glad to have some time to spend with them this weekend!

I'm loving having coworkers who are supportive, and are there when you need to run something by them, vent, etc. It's a nice change from last year where I felt like my own little island.

And, as always, I'm loving Pinterest. It keeps me busy, even when I have things to do :)

This week I've been pinning....
How flipping sweet is that??
Yep, this outfit is most definitely welcome to enter into my closet.
Baked Bang-Bang Shrimp I'm gonna HAVE to try this! 
Tile that looks like wood. Genius! (and I love the color of the bathroom!)
Story of my life! 
hahaha so true! 
Follow Me on Pinterest Check out what else I've been up to!


  1. Connecting through the link up! Love your pins! My hubs and I went to Puerto Rico right after we got engaged. It was amazing! Hope you have a blast!

  2. Found you through the link up. Have fun on your trip. SUn and sand sound pretty amazing right now. I'm loving those mint pants!

  3. I'm SO giving you the evil eye right now! What I would give for a beach trip...Can't wait to hear all about it:) And yay for MG being back today! I know you will be so happy to have him home! Two and a half weeks is a long time to be without the person you love most. B will be gone for 4 weeks August and I am dreading it already!

  4. That dog and baby are adorable! Makes me want a dog and a baby. Maybe just a dog for now. :)

  5. I know HOW much you are ready for MG to be back, so yayayayayayayyayayayyayayay!


  6. Two and a half weeks is a long time! And I am so jealous of your PR trip. I could use a beach and a big drink right about now!

    Stopping by from What I'm Loving Wednesday!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  7. Very jealous of your trip to Puerto Rico! I am so ready for some warm weather and days by the pool!

  8. another vacation?!!? i'm VERY jealous. ugh.
    yay for MG finally coming home!

  9. Oh my goodness, the picture of the dog and the baby melted my heart! I absolutely love that floor! I sent ya a follow request on Twitter. I hope your having a great Wednesday.


  10. Very jealous of your PR trip! I wanna come! Can I somehow figure out how to fit in the luggage?

  11. Hey girl heeey! I went to Puerto Rico in November and even stayed at the Water Beach Club too, so I know you are going to have an amazing time! Definitely have Joseph in the rooftop bar make you a pina colada as soon as you check in, it's the perfect welcome to the island you can find. The hotel is super great and everyone is so friendly, you won't be disappointed. Good luck driving, it's pretty crazy, with motorists being total crazy nut jobs who don't use turn signals and routinely merge into your lane before you have moved to avoid them. Try to take a bio bay kayaking tour if the moon is small enough, and skip arricibo telescope, it's not worth the jungle mountain drive just to watch a video and see the reflector. Definitely eat at the hotel restaurant, the food is fantastic. Mi cassita a restaurant about a block away is also good. If you try el alambique next to the hotel, avoid the burgers but make sure you get tostones and empanadas. If you need more suggestions or info email me! Hairbyadrian@gmail.com

  12. Meeh! The baby and the dog is so cute!!

  13. So giving you the evil eye right now...Have fun in Puerto Rico! I love it there.


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