
Friday's Letters

Last week on Friday I confessed, this week I'm writing letters!
Dear AC Unit,I know I said earlier this week that I was happy I didn't have to turn you on, but 3 days of high 80s-low 90s made that impossible. And then you stopped working. We just got you "fixed" last July. Why can't you just work???

Dear Blossoms, it was really nice to get to see you, and not have to fight crazy traffic to get into DC. MG had the brilliant idea to get our workout in by walking into the city. It was a trek, but your blossoms were worth the sweat!

Dear car window shade, (or as I like to call you "the window-thing-that-prevents-Jenn-from-burning-her-butt-on-her-leather-seats), thanks for shading my seats. My thighs appreciate not being turned into sizzling pieces of bacon when I get in the car after a hot day.

Dear 'Ready For Love,' I'm digging the whole show and the idea behind the show. I'm curious to see how the rest of the season plays out. You may just have hooked me on another show.....(MG smacks his head in dismay lol)

Dear Toes, I promise I'll be getting you a pedicure soon. Hopefully this weekend. I know you need it!

Dear Weekend, I'm glad that you're finally here, and that WE are finally in town. No travelling, packing bags, etc. It's a busy weekend, with fun stuff, but it's nice to be able to go to sleep in your own bed at the end of the day.

Dear Bravo, why don't you have full episodes available online? Having Real Housewives on in the background while I do my progress notes during the day would make it SO much more entertaining!

Dear P!nky, Happy early birthday! So excited to go out and celebrate your big 3-0 tonight! You've been a great friend, and I feel really lucky to have you in my life! 

Hope you have some fun/relaxing stuff planned for the weekend! And make sure your taxes are done!! Come Monday, Uncle Sam wants his money! :)


  1. Although I know all of your traveling was super fun, a simple weekend at home can be so nice too! Enjoy it:) Wish I was closer so we could have a mani-pedi date. I need my toes done badly...and can't reach them easily anymore, lol! But hey, at least it's a good excuse to have them done by a professional:)

  2. I'm so jealous you get to go out with P!nky for her birthday!!! Y'all have fun!!!

  3. Smart move walking into the city. I was going to suggest the metro because I KNEW traffic/parking would be no bueno.

    YAY birthday party tonight! I'm excited, bring it on 30!

  4. dang - the AC out again?! omg. that sucks! happy birthday to P!nky! i need a pedi too!

  5. I'm really enjoying Ready For Love too!! And I've been turning old Grey's Anatomy episodes on in the background while working on annual reviews and IEPs for next year!!! Oh the life of an SLP!


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