
5 on Friday

This may be one of the best Fridays of all--if you're a teacher, I bet you're right there with me. Today marks the last day of work....for TWO WHOLE weeks! Winter break here I come!!

But, before we get to that, we have to make it through today, and what better to help that happen than a little 5 on Friday?

{1}- Holiday Party #???
This Saturday MG's friends are throwing a holiday party (our 4th or 5th so far), and combining their baby gender reveal as well. There will be lots of people from that group of friends, and I'm hopeful that all will go smoothly and we can all have a good, festive, baby-celebrating time! Plus, we'll get to see this couple's place that we haven't gotten to see yet.

{2}-Wedding Invitations
Our invites, response and enclosure cards without
our information on them
I had set the goal for our invitations to be addressed (the outside and return envelopes) before MG and I left for Christmas (that dang exclamation point on checklist was driving me mad!)
Over the weekend I got the return envelopes printed, and on Wednesday, MG got the outside envelopes figured out, so we printed them all out. Then, because I couldn't just leave it, I decided to get everything done that night, including numbering the back of each response card to coordinate with a person/couple (in case people forget to write their name on the response card, we'll know who's coming or not, and their entree choice), and stuffing every envelope! All we need now are the stamps for the outside envelopes and they are READY to be sent out! CHECK MARK!

{3}-Too many goodies
Tis the season for baked goods. Especially when you work in a school. I can't tell you how many "treats" I've gotten from kids, in my mailbox, or had at holiday lunch celebrations in the past week alone. Goodies do not make for a fun dress fitting come January. Luckily I'm not going TOO overboard, but it's still not easy to resist ALL of the yummy treats, so I'm eating in semi-moderation. Semi. Kinda. Ugh. Lord help me get through the next two weeks without gaining a gazillion pounds. Definitely going to be using my Zumba game more and more, too...

{4}-George the Gingerbread man

Speaking of goodies, one of my students brought me a gift in the form of a massive gingerbread cookie jar. He's rather large, but cute. I jokingly texted MG's and my family that we have a new addition to the family, and then sent the picture of "George" the Gingerbread man. (I was also made aware, by my fiance, that the tag for the cookie jar is also conveniently placed in an anatomically correct place for George is now being featured in some of my Instagram pics...yesterday was a ride in the car without a seat belt. Today, he was waving good-bye to me before work. I think this will be a daily thing until Christmas, just because it's fun. Some of you have Elf on a Shelf. I have Gingerbread George! lol

{5}-Little Bit of Cheer: Christmas Cards

I love that our little wine/booze cabinet is displaying so many Christmas cards! They were slow to come in (I think Thanksgiving being later made things come in a little later), but now we have several and they barely fit on our cabinet surface anymore! (Next year I'm definitely doing one of those card holder things over the pantry door in our kitchen). We didn't do Christmas cards this year since we're not married yet, but I'm excited to see everyone else's and get some ideas for our cards next year!

And now, one more day to make it through before a nice relaxing break, time off from work, from kids, from stress...

P.S. Send a little love to MG this Sunday...he's in the final round of fantasy football play-offs this weekend, and if he wins, he'll get a pretty nice chunk of change which we could obviously use for the wedding. So, fingers crossed!! :)

Hope your weekends are filled with holiday cheer!


  1. Christmas cards are the BEST! I love getting new letters everyday, so fun!

    Calories don't count till jan 1!!! eat up :)!


  2. oh I HOPE I get one of those wedding invites! I'll eagerly check my mail everyday. I can't wait to find out if I'm invited or not.

    I LOVE George. He's too cute. and LOL about the Tag being placed where it is. ha!

  3. Ugh. The holiday treats. Seriously. Our office is loaded down with them and it's getting old!

    This MG (one of my nicknames) is rooting for your MG and hope that we both win the Super Bowl this weekend!

  4. I love your gingerbread man-- so cute!! And go you with your invitations! We should have done the numbering system on our RSVP cards-- one came back with a really sweet note from someone who couldn't come. But they didn't write their name, so I still have no idea who it was from!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!