My Writing Process: a blog tour

Last week my good buddy Trish (or Trishy poo as I call her) tagged me in a post about her writing process, which means now I get to share about my writing process with you!

1. What am I working on?
 Some wedding posts (trying to get the pictures all organized and picked out), and some funny more creative posts that should be coming your way in the next week or two! (Are you excited???)
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'm not sure that my blog IS that different from other blogs, other than that it's about MY life. Recently, more about weddings and buying a house than anything else (and probably soon about moving and house projects haha). But, it's mainly about what's going on, and when I need advice about stuff, this is a great place to turn because everyone is so open and honest with their thoughts and opinions.
3. Why do I write what I do?
 For the most part, it's a way to document my life now. I've definitely gone back and re-read some posts from my past and it's amazing to me how different things can be--I find it fun to look back on things. Especially with the engagement, wedding and things like that, I'm sure it will be even more fun to look back on these posts in the coming months/years and see where I was, and reminisce. 
4. How does your writing process work?
If it's about day to day stuff, I kind of free-write and then I go back and edit, to make sure I didn't make any mistakes and that what I wrote makes sense. I try not to be TOO wordy since that can get boring I think (but sometimes I can't help it). If it's something more creative, an idea in my day-to-day life might strike me and I try and write it down somewhere so that I don't forget. And then I'll brainstorm about stuff when I have free time, often times on my drive to and from work, and then I get to writing it down/typing it when I have the chance.

That's it! Nothing too fancy or probably too out there, but it's how my writing process "works" for me!

You should check out Trish's blog (she's quite the crafty and witty person!), and in addition to that, check out these two lovely ladies' blogs:
Illegally Blonde
They'll both be sharing their writing process on their blogs next week!

Hope you had fun reading about my writing process! :)


  1. Your writing process is quite similar to mine! Thanks for the tag - can't wait to post next week!

  2. Very nice! I love your blog esp the non-wordy posts (lol). I can't wait to the house (and eventually baby) posts! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Ya can;t wait to share! And I love your posts everyday,. its why we are friends... and your recipe posts!


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