
What's Hap-"Pinning"? Link Up Details

Jessi and I have gotten a few emails asking for more information about our What's Hap-"Pinning"? Wednesdays link-up tomorrow (and every Wednesday), so I thought I'd just do a post to clarify some of the details!

What should your post be about?

  • Share what's happening with you lately--you can list it out, add in some photos, whatever you want.
  • Share what you've been pinning lately! Been looking at some new recipes? Some new clothes? Add them!
  • You can do a combination of both! 

You can really add anything that you want to share with us, we'd just love for you to use our link up image when you do!

Here's an example of what part of my post might look like:

I've had the travel bug lately, now that I'm on my summer vacation (finally!!) and I can't help but look at all of the awesome places I want to travel. These are some of the ones that have caught my eye lately:
                       (realistic)                      (maybe some day)                     (in my wildest dreams)                               

Your post does not have to be in the same format that this is in--it's just an example!

Hopefully that helps clear up any questions you have, but if not, feel free to email either one of us and we'll be happy to answer any questions so that you can link up with us tomorrow!!

Can't wait to see what's hap-"pinning" with you all!!


  1. I'm right there with you and the travel bug! So many places I want to go. I'm happy to be getting out of town soon though! Hope you're enjoying your summer vacation!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. I for one hope you choose the Boston option real soon :) Are you guys going to be doing it every wednesday or just the first wednesday of the month? xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I am so excited about this link up! I always love to do a Pin dump to see all my options, but I haven't done one in a while! And I'm totally with you on the travel bug. xo

  4. I don't ever "officially" pin anything. I know, I must be weird. But I have tons of pics saved from pinterest lately with a certain topic in mind.. does that count?

  5. So, I have a product collaboration scheduled for tomorrow, but would love to participate on the next go round - like Biana mentioned above, is this going to be every week?

    Your travel options have me pining for a vacation. I'd love a trip to Boston - such a fun city!

  6. Yay! I'm excited! Can't wait for Wednesday!

  7. Love this idea! I already have a post scheduled for tomorrow, but I'm in next week!

  8. Yay I'm so glad I decided to read blog posts today to find out about this new linkup :) Hopefully I can get my act together and knock out a post! hehe! Is it every Wednesday or just tomorrow?!

  9. So excited for this new link up. Got my post already to go. Thanks for clarifying. As fort the vacation spot, I say Boston!

  10. You know how Thursdays are when I do my Things That Thrill Me roundup - can I still linkup a day late? :) So glad that you girls are doing this!

  11. I would love to travel more, just don't have the time boo.

  12. Such a fun linkup, and YES to the travel bug! Best bug ever :-D

  13. I cannot wait to start linking up with y'all since I'm done with Wedding Wednesday posts. :)

  14. The in my wildest dreams.......seriously amazing!

  15. I'm so excited for this! I have been wanting a Pinterest link up for so long! :) Can't wait to put the post together for tomorrow!

  16. eeekk! Looking forward to this like no other! Thanks for all of your help partner!! xoxo

  17. Count me in for tomorrow!! My post is all ready to go! :)

  18. You're not alone with the travel bug! It's an expensive bug to have lol...I have a posted lined up for tomorrow but will def linkup in future weeks. Good luck!!

  19. When will this go live every Wednesday? And what a great idea for a link up! I love it! Thanks for inviting us! -Jess, Sweet Little Ones


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