
Holiday Questionnaire

Since we're officially in the first week of December and the holidays are getting into full swing, I thought it'd be fun to put together, and answer, a little holiday survey to find out more about each other and the holidays!

A holiday tradition: other than driving around to see the lights, MG and I have a tradition of going to one of our favorite DC restaurants, Old Ebbitt, for a pre-Christmas dinner the week of Christmas. It started the first year we were dating since we weren't spending the holiday together, and then just became our yearly tradition. Afterwards, if the weather is nice, we walk over to see the National Christmas tree, and all of the state trees. We already have our reservation made for this year!

What you'd love to see Santa bring you most this year: highest on my list this year would be some black riding boots (Santa MG has already been made aware of this hehe)

What's your go-to stocking stuffer item: I think it depends on the person. For girls, usually nail polish, and for guys, usually something funny. I saw some Poo-Pourri the other day and thought it would be a really funny stocking stuffer (the names alone were making me laugh)
(trap-a-crap.......pootonium? I mean, these are genius names lol)
Who is the hardest to shop for during the holidays? My parents are definitely the hardest. And then MG because his birthday is at the beginning of the month, so it's a lot of trying to find fun and unique things, all around the same time.

Favorite Winter Accessory: hands down, scarves. Blanket scarf, or otherwise, I love me a scarf as soon as it hits Fall and through Winter...scarf me up!

Christmas Tree lights: colors or all white? As a kid I loved the multi-colored lights on trees, and I still do. But now, I think for a cleaner look, all white looks great. Either way--you can't go wrong with lights!

Favorite Holiday Cocktail: other than wine? :) I love apple cider this time of year, so anything with a take on that, I'd love. Also, who doesn't love champagne during the holidays?

Favorite holiday food: ok, this might not be considered food as in a meal, but I LOVE chocolate covered pretzels...and whenever I get those during the holidays, I'm one happy camper
Do you have a good white-elephant gift idea? Well, the poo-pourri is pretty genius, I think....bc you know...#everybodypoops

Do you have a funny picture of you and Santa as a kid? (Post it if you do!) Not that I can remember. I sure love seeing the funny pics of kids on Santa's laps tho

Do you like candy canes?  Sometimes. I prefer ribbon candy and it's probably because my aunt and uncle used to have it at the holidays as a kid, and I always associate ribbon candy with them.
Hot Chocolate....marshmallows or no marshmallows? Uhhh, definitely marshmallows--load me up on the marshmallows! Whenever I had hot cocoa as a kid, I would add one marshmallow into my cup for each of my family members and friends (and then anyone else I could think of so I could have more marshmallows!)

Favorite holiday song: this one is so hard to narrow down to just one! The one that always pops into my head is Rockin Around the Christmas Tree or All I Want For Christmas, but there are a ton that I love!

Favorite holiday movie: Home Alone is definitely one of my favorites from growing up (and have already watched it once so far this past weekend when it was on tv!) And The Holiday is my other favorite, as an adult

A funny holiday story: everyone always asks me where my nickname (or instagram name), Jamiffer, came from. When I was in middle school, my best friend and I would exchange presents with each others' parents because they were like our second parents. One year, my best friend's mom had written the labels on her presents so quickly that on mine, it looked like she wrote "Jamiffer"...and from then on, a nickname was born!

Have you ever been on a sleigh ride? Yes, in Alaska (because they have reindeer there!). Given, it was during the summer, but it still counts!

A  fun holiday memory: As a kid, I loved driving around on Christmas Eve with my mom to look at all of the lights on people's houses. I remember one year we drove kinda far to see this one house that went allllll out! People were stopped on the road, taking pictures, and there was music--it was always one of the highlights of Christmas for me.

Feel free to grab the questions and answer them yourself!


  1. I love this! And I love that you guys have that tradition of going to Old Ebbitt Grill--so yummy! I would love to come to DC around Christmas to see the National Christmas tree, I'm sure it's gorgeous. I am not sure if I'm ever had ribbon candy but now I want some! Home Alone...yessss :) That's awesome about your nickname and so fun that it was just a simple misreading, haha. I love looking at Christmas lights in general--my family does that alot. I'm so going to do this, thanks for sharing!!!

  2. This is such a great list! Hot chocolate with tons of marshmellows, yes, please! And Home Alone (the original) AND The Holiday are also two of my all-time faves! The lights on that house are crazy and I would LOVE to see them! I am a Christmas fanatic and love everything relating to it. I've never been to DC to see the National Tree at Christmas, however, I worked right in the heart of Manhattan for over 4 years and always LOVED NYC at Christmas and want to go back for a visit! :)

  3. So fun! My brother got the Trap-a-Crap in his stocking a couple of years ago, and it always cracks me up! It's actually pretty genius! ;) Brandon's birthday is Dec. 4, and I agree, it's super hard buying for them for both holidays and keeping them completely separate!

  4. I love this questionnaire and will definitely be answering them myself! I love that you put trap-a-crap on there for a good stocking stuffer idea. My mom has bought that or pooperri for my dad for several years and she swears by it!

  5. Loved reading this about you! And black riding books plus chocolate covered pretzels! Yes and YES! XO

  6. Home Alone is one of my all time favorites! You also now have me craving chocolate covered pretzels!

  7. the holiday yes! and honestly i bought poo-pourri a few years ago and it works, lol. hey - why not gift it!? :) i am totally borrowing this questionnaire to post next week!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  8. I actually just watched Home Alone this past weekend and it is one of my all-time favorites! Gotta love the person who names the poo-pourri, so clever.

  9. I love this questionnaire idea! I'm totally hopping on the train to play along :) Chocolate covered pretzels, scarves, hot cocoa, Home Alone -- girl, you are speaking to my heart!!! I also love y'alls tradition of going to a pre-Christmas dinner. Those kinds of little things are always the best traditions!

  10. These are such fun questions! I think the poo-pourri is hilarious for a white elephant gift..I might have to do that this year! Also I love Home Alone as well. I just watched it over the weekend (twice haha), its too funny!

  11. I'm cracking up at the name of the poop tonics.

    I love your tradition of going to a favorite restaurant!

  12. I love your tradition of a pre-Christmas dinner with your husband. My husband wants to start a tradition like that this year, and I think it's a fantastic idea <3

    Green Fashionista

  13. And just finished reading through your answers...I LOVE that you added a marshmallow for your friends and family members to get more!!

  14. A good friend of mine is in Home Alone, he played Mitch Murphy, the kid next door haha. Definitely a favorite of mine!

  15. Love the nickname, did not know this before. I have never had ribbon candy although I have seen it. I need to give J some poo pourii..... We watched how the Grinch stole Christmas last night as we (I) decorated the last tree, and like the cartoon version, gets me everytime when he makes his dog the reindeer.

  16. Home Alone is one of my favorites, too! We actually went and checked out the house when it was for sale when we lived in Chicago, haha! And Nick and I go out for a fancy dinner the week before Christmas also - it started when we were dating, but have loved the tradition so much we keep it up :)

  17. parents are sooo hard to shop for, especially my dad!! If he sees something he wants he always just buys it. ugh it's impossible to surprise him!! Totally agree with The Holiday movie… the PERFECT movie to cuddle on the couch with a fire and watch!

  18. mmm hot chocolate with marshmallows, yum! love the holiday, its one of my favourites as well!

  19. Lol I was totally gonna get my sister a poo-pouri spray from Ulta as a stocking stuffer because it's hilarious and we couldn't stop laughing at the video for it! Love blanket scarves this time of year too and of course Home Alone!!

  20. My husband's birthday was last week...finding double the presents within a month is hard!
    Oddly, I love chocolate-covered pretzels too. Sometimes I make batches of different kinds to give as gifts.

  21. This is such a great idea! I can't wait to fill it out myself! I love chocolate covered pretzels, too. They are delicious...and make such great and easy presents! Love that you guys have a pre-Christmas dinner...that is super fun! I saw that poo-pouri spray on another blog just made me laugh. I never knew such a thing existed!

  22. I love this! We don't have many traditions, but one we do have is to come home from Christmas and watch Love Actually. I never thought of trying to see the National Christmas tree, but that may be a new addition to my life! :)

  23. What a fun questionnaire... will post mine next week :)

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  24. I love this post! I think I'll do it sometime next week. :) I'm cracking up at your marshmallows in hot chocolate story, you were a smart kid! Lol! The Holiday is one of my favorites, too, primarily just for Cameron Diaz's wardrobe.


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