
What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday {#29}

It's the middle of the week--halfway through, and halfway to the weekend ahead--we can do it!

Since it's Wednesday, you know it's time to link up with Jessi and I for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday where you can share about anything that's going on in your world!

I've been trying to keep myself motivated to work out, but some days it's really hard when it's cold and dreary out, and all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and lay on the couch. But with Aruba right around the corner, and warmer weather, I need to get my butt into gear.
One of my motivators is new, cute workout gear. Target is one of my go-to places for workout stuff because it's good quality at a good price usually. I put together a few that I've found that I wouldn't mind being added to my collection:
$27.99                                               $24.99                                          $27.99

$16.99                                               $19.99                                      $24.99

And if you're into the more ath-leisure look, this tunic top might be right up your alley. Makes me feel all cozy just looking at it:
There were tons more to choose from, but these stood out to me...and called out to me "Jenn, put me in your shopping bag!"
*This is not a sponsored post--this is just me perusing a website and finding cute things for you...and for me*

Now it's your turn to link up with Jessi and I and share what's hap-"pinning" with you!

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{Recipe Files}: Baked Queso Tacos

As promised, I have the super tasty, mega easy Baked Queso Taco recipe for you guys.
I'm actually salivating remembering how delicious these guys were. Definitely need to add them to our menu next week!
My good bud Brittany let me know about these amazing tacos, courtesy of Mix and Match Mama (who I'm also a huge fan of). Boy am I glad that she did! These come together so quickly and taste like a super yummy, skillet queso dip, but in taco shells.

What You Need:
~8 taco shells (I did the kind that stand up)
~between 1-1.5 pounds ground beef or turkey
~8 oz Velveeta cheese
~1 10oz can Rotel
~1.5 Tbsp chili powder
~salt/pepper to taste

What You Do:
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. While the oven is heating up, brown the ground beef in a medium skillet with the EVOO. Add in a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Drain excess fat.

2. Add in the Velveeta cheese, Rotel and chili powder. Stir until the cheese is nice and melty.
3. Grease up a baking dish (I used 8x8 pan) and then stuff each taco shell with the meat mixture, and add to the baking dish. Bake for 8 minutes.
We topped ours with lettuce and sour cream. You can add whatever toppings you want!
And that's it--seriously it's THAT easy. And oh my word, get ready for the taste explosion that's about to happen!

You could also make this as an appetizer and just use the Velveeta mix, and have chips to dip into it. 



Happy Monday! This weekend was a mixed bag of stuff for us with some highs and some lows.

The main events from this weekend included:

~a 90 minute massage right after work which was heavenly 

~MG made reservations at Rustico for a stress-free dinner date night out which included yummy beers, risotto tots (omg) and some delicious pizza
~Obsessively listening to the Hamilton soundtrack throughout the entire weekend thanks to Carly bringing it to my attention. It is incredible! 

~MG and I made our way to visit my dad at the hospital for a few hours on saturday morning. We loved the nurse he had--she was so friendly, helpful and attentive

~Had a super late lunch at Seasons52 after our visit: mushroom bisque and mahi mahi tacos which were so delicious
~Got an early birthday present from MG when I found these adorable strappy Toms wedge sandals--definitely will be wearing these a ton once the weather gets nicer because they're super cute and really comfy!
~Took Coop for a long walk since it was in the 60s outside and then got ready to head to our friends' house for a birthday party

~Was in awe of the incredible spread that my friend made all herself (I didn't get a photo of it, but it filled an entire kitchen table and island, along with some counters. These delicious cupcakes and cookies were part of the spread
~Had a fun night hanging out with friends from work, drinking some wine, and laughing tons
~Woke up early and headed back to the hospital myself while MG ran errands and took care of laundry and other things around the house

~encountered the worst nurse that my dad has had thus far and did everything in my power not to go off on her....and I was pretty taken back when a doctor came in, toting her purse on her arm the entire time, even through her entire (one-handed) exam of my dad
~was totally disheartened with the people taking care of him Sunday, so I ended up staying longer to make sure he had what he needed before my mom got there

~Had an emotional good-bye with my dad before I left the hospital...he's hanging in there as best he can, but it's been really tough on him

~Had a tear-filled drive home followed by MG hugs when I got back

It was a pretty low-key, rainy rest of the evening. I ordered Thai take out because I had no motivation to think about making dinner.
Even though we had some fun moments this weekend, it was another emotional one for sure. 
If you have any room in your prayers, please add my dad to them--my family and I really appreciate the love and support.

I hope your weekend was nice and filled with family and friends :)


Friday Faves

Happy Friday, loves! We made it through another week--even though this one was a short one for me with a holiday and a snow day, it still felt super jam packed (tons of meetings to make up for those days off) and kind of hectic, so I'm definitely ready for the weekend!
Let's get to some faves this week!

{1} A Massage
I have a massage scheduled for right after work today and I can't wait. It's been a few weeks since I got my last one and after all of the stress over the past week, I can tell I need some knots worked out. Plus, it's for an hour and a half. Praise!

{2} Sweet Kiddie Valentine
One of my absolute favorite and most adorable little preschool guys came for his therapy last Thursday. When I went to get him, he had his hands hidden behind his back and says, in the cutest little kid voice ever "I has a soo-pize for you!" and then hands me this adorable little Valentine followed by the best hug ever! I swear to you, it made my whole day and still makes me smile thinking about it. (I wish I could show you all a picture of him on here because he's the most adorable guy ever!)

{3} Post This Week--Owen@Davis Duo
Owen wrote a post last week, and another one this week that I thought were both super powerful. The one this week is all of the things you shouldn't say to someone dealing with infertility. Everyone should read it. I've heard a lot of the same things that she mentions in her post and it just sucks, so go drop some knowledge on yourself :)
My blogiversary kind of came and went this year since I was sorta focused on other things on the actual day. February 16th of 2011 was when I started blogging-that was FIVE years ago! I seriously can't believe it's been that fast. I also can't believe how many wonderful people blogging has brought into my life, either in person, or just through our daily blog posts/texts/emails/gchats. I feel so thankful to have met so many amazing women out there who are caring, supportive, strong, friendly and just amazing. I appreciate all of you more than you know and hope to meet more of you IRL someday soon!
Sending you all some blog love today!

{5} Funnies
When you're dealing with customer service nightmare, and ask for the rep's name to talk to the manager, and they give you a name you know isn't real
My reaction when morons attempt to start drama for the millionth time
When you realize the adult jokes in the movies you used to watch as a kid
When the weather forecast says 60s and sunny instead of teens and snow
When you walk out of work on Friday afternoon
Hoping your day is quick, and filled with confetti at the end of the day! :) Catch you on Monday, loves!



I'm linking up with Christy today for a round of 'Currently.'
Reading ...
Still reading The 5th Wave, but am making strides to get it finished. The long weekend and the day off on Tuesday for snow/ice helped me make a bigger dent in this one. Hoping Ill be done this weekend!
Listening to...
lots and lots of kids coming up and down the hallway outside of my office. Normally it's pretty quiet down my wing of the building, but since they started doing renovations, the door at the end of my hallway is now one of the big entrances and exits, which means LOTS of foot traffic, and LOTS of noise.

Watching ...
The Bachelor, of course (so glad Olivia is gone!), Real Housewives of BH, Married at First Sight (season finale next week!!), Big Bang Theory, Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry (so fascinating!) and The People vs OJ Simpson (also really good!)


I made my super easy chili recipe on Monday night since it was cold, and icy out that night. Perfect for the cold nights!
Looking forward to ... 
our friend's birthday party this weekend

that Spring would hurry up and get here. Minus the allergy part. This weekend is supposed to be in the 60s which is a welcome change from 20s and 30s!

Enjoying ...
what was likely our last snow/ice day off this year. It was a nice surprise after the long weekend to get another day, especially since the majority of mine was spent at the hospital visiting my dad, or trying to get over my cold.

my supportive friends who have reached out, checked in, and been there 100%, through the good times, and the bad. 

Wanting ...
the people who like to try and start drama, or kick people while they're down, to spend their energy getting a meaningful purpose to their boring life and just go away. Nobody has time for that nonsense and stupidity. #byefelicia #sopathetic #yourparentswouldbeproud

Wearing ...
I feel like all I've been wearing lately are boots. It's been too cold to even attempt flats, so it's either riding boots, Ugg boots, or snow boots for me lately. Hopefully that'll change this weekend with some warmer weather! #fingerscrossed
Add caption
Grateful For...
doctors and nurses who care, and do the best for their patients. And my husband, who is just incredible :)

Don't forget to link up what you're up to currently!


What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday {#28}

Before I get started with my regularly scheduled post, I just wanted to thank you all for your heartfelt comments, both on the blog and in private messages, on my post yesterday about my dad. It means the world to me to have so many people out there to send us positivity and send up prayers for us, so thank you thank you thank you!

It's Wednesday which means it's time to link up and share what's hap-"pinning" with Jessi and I!
Since it's been a bit of a tough week for me and my family, I've been looking for, and open to, all kinds of inspiration and things to lift my spirits and keep me moving in a positive direction. I figured if it helps me, it might resonate with some of you as well.

And to add some light and levity to this post, here's a funny that made me laugh when I saw it:
{via} #thestruggleisreal
Now it's your turn to link up and share what's hap-"pinning" with you. It can be anything that's going on--it doesn't have to involve Pinterest!

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Plans Change

Well, this weekend didn't go quite as planned...
MG and I had plans to go up to PA on Friday, but my dad got admitted to the hospital again due to complications related to his congestive heart failure. Since it didn't sound like a great situation, we decided to stay in town for the weekend to be around for my dad, and to support my mom.

MG and I both took off of work on Friday so we could spend the day with my dad at the hospital. It totally lifted his spirits that we were able to come and see him, and spent almost 5 hours together there. He mentioned several times that he knew he had said that we shouldn't come (he didn't want us to take off work, etc), but that he was really glad that we had. When my mom got to the hospital later in the afternoon she told me that his spirits were SO much better than they'd been the day before. We had some really tender, touching moments that day...ones that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

MG and I went back again on Saturday for about 4 hours to take some of the burden off of my mom from having to go each and every day, plus she was getting over a cold. I was glad we were there to keep him company, help get him comfortable, and to talk to the doctors when things got overwhelming/confusing.

Unfortunately Saturday afternoon/evening, I started to come down with a cold, and on Sunday morning my mom was still fighting a cold of her own. So, who stepped up to the plate to go and visit my dad by himself? MG. 

I can't express how much I love this man. I fell in love with him even more after this weekend--he's been my rock, my shoulder to cry on, and my distraction when I've needed it. Not only that, but he went by himself and spent 3 hours with my dad at the hospital yesterday so he wouldn't be there all day alone. I love MG more than I can even express in words at this moment. 

We were able to go out to a nice valentine's dinner in Old Town Sunday night. So, even though this weekend didn't go as planned, and we're still in the midst of dealing with my dad's health, I feel like I got the best Valentine's gift of all--MG. 

It's kind of funny, our first Valentine's Day together 4 years ago was when I looked across the table at him during our dinner, and realized that he was the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with. And fast forward to 4 years later, I realize that he's one of the best things to ever happen to not only me, but to my family. 

I am truly blessed. Even in the middle of this tough situation medically, I know that I am blessed beyond words and I thank God for bringing MG into my life, and for watching over my dad.

Hopefully your weekend plans went off without a hitch, and you got to spend it with someone, or a bunch of someones, who you love.

Don't take the people around you for granted. Time passes too quickly. Call your parents today and tell them you love them.


Friday Faves

Happy Friday!!!!!  Hopefully the week treated you well. Either way, I'm ready for a weekend, especially a LONG weekend!
Let's get to some faves from the week!

{1} Recipe
Last week Brittany told me about Baked Queso Tacos and knew I had to try them immediately. We had them this week and Oh. My. Gosh. they are the most amazing tacos ever! SO good! Just imagine skillet queso dip inside of a taco--ridiculous! Recipe coming soon!

{2}Two Little Loves
MG and I got to go over to our friends' place last night and meet the two newest and tiniest members of their family. I would be lying if I told you my heart wasn't so full at getting to see those little babies. I only got to hold their little girl because little man was asleep in his swing. But little miss made up for that by snuggling up and passing out for an hour in my arms! MG even got in on the action which....swooooon! Best moment of the week, by far. Even more than the tacos (and that's saying something!) :)

{3} Giveaway
Don't forget to enter our Valentine's Day Giveaway for a year-long Birchbox subscription! Today's the last day! Find it on my post from Monday at the bottom of the page.

{4} Weekend Plans
MG and I are heading up to PA for the weekend. MG's already made dinner plans for us and his parents at a nice steakhouse, in addition to a girls day for me, his mom, and my SIL. I adore them, so this'll be a great excuse to have some uninterrupted girl time. Add in some nieces and nephew time and it's a perfect weekend!

{5} Funnies
When someone says something so stupid, you have to contain the inner monologue that's trying to escape out of your mouth
When your husband looks at the nutritional information on something you already know is unhealthy
My face when I walk into the adult bathroom at work and it stinks like....well....you know
When you have more than 5 shows recording in one evening on the DVR, and you're able to get them all scheduled without any conflicts
Hope your Friday is fast and easy so you can head on into the weekend! Catch you next week, loves!



I'm linking up with my girl Jess today for the first round of Confessions on her blog!
I confess that....

.....I had a student make me laugh so hard the other day that another student in the group said "breathe, Ms. G, breathe!" These are some of the moments I love most about my job :)

....I'm over-the-moon excited to meet our friends' week-and-a-half old twins today after work. We're bringing by those cute outfits I shared with you on Monday, in addition to a pasta bake so they don't have to worry about cooking for themselves for a day or two!
arent they so cute????
....I'm totally engrossed in The People vs OJ Simpson. I remember the trial going on when I was in middle school, and we definitely paid attention and talked about it in school, but like with anything else, I was still young and didn't really absorb everything (which is a good thing), so it's really interesting to watch this and hear all of those details.
.....MG started in a new position at work a couple of weeks ago and since then, his schedule has changed to way better hours. I'm loving having him home at a reasonable time, and he's happier too. Plus, we get to cook dinner together every night now, instead of just a couple of times, which has been awesome!

....I've been reading The 5th Wave for a couple weeks now, and I'm only 50% through the book. Given, I'm not reading for hours each night, but I read a couple of chapters--you'd think I'd be through it sooner!
.....I've been drinking my new tea every morning before work instead of coffee and I haven't 1) fallen asleep at work or 2) killed anyone. Plus it tastes like apple pie, which is never a bad thing in the morning! :)
....it made me smile so big when a student I work with pushed through a difficult task and not only got through, but also got the correct answer on a test I was giving him. This was HUGE because he normally would shut down at any sign of difficulty and it made my heart sore when he worked through it! #teacherwin

....I love using my essential oil diffuser at work. Not only does it make my office smell heavenly (the kids come in and go "mmmmm!"), but I feel like it also helps keep the air at least slightly disinfected. I'll take all the help I can get through cold and flu season!

....it's exactly one month away from my birthday today!

...you should enter our Valentine's Day giveaway if you haven't already. Who doesn't want a year-long Birchbox subscription?? (Check out my post on Monday, at the bottom, to enter)

What are you confessin' this week?
Happy Thursday!!