Back to Life....

"....back to reality"

Today I'm heading back to work, tearfully.
It's been 16 weeks at home with my girl and I'm not sure what the day will be like leaving her in someone else's hands for the day (thankfully it's someone who we know, and trust).

In addition to all of that, our little peanut came down with a cold on Saturday night and was up just about every hour that night with sniffles, coughs and some super sad cries.

She teetered on having a fever during the day Sunday but thankfully didn't quite reach what's considered a fever for her age.

Needless to say, yesterday was filled with exhaustion coupled with all of the feels associated with watching your baby feel sick....and then add in the feels about going back to work and leaving her behind. Lots and lots of tears. I basically felt like I was on the post partum rollercoaster all over again!

Ironically enough, it was a year ago today that we had this one tiny perfect embryo transferred....who now is our cuddly, adorable little girl (even when she has a cold). It's crazy how different things are a year later! 

Anyway, send some love this way today...and perhaps a gallon of tissues, because this mama is gonna need them! You can find me staring at this beautiful face and getting 0 work done today...

Hoping you had a nice, cold-free weekend!


  1. Good luck today! I know you dread going back today and I would too! I hope she gets to feeling better soon!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Good luck today - I hope everyone has a limited amount of crying :) xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  3. Good luck today! I know it will be so hard for you, much harder on you than her, just remember that!! Hope she gets to feeling better, nothing worse than a babe with a cold!!

  4. It's the hardest day in the world; trust me, I've been there. I know everyone says it, but it's always harder on you than them. She will be in great hands and will enjoy her time. (And you'll learn to have THE most productive lunch breaks ever so you can spend every waking moment with her when you get home from work ;)) Love you, friend. You've got this!

  5. aw girl! sending all the positive vibes today. hope it goes by quickly!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Best of luck! I know it's hard to be away from her, but you and her will be just fine and it will make the evening snuggles all the more worth it! :)

  7. Good luck today, it will be tough but you can do it!! Have pictures sent to you I found that very helpful :)

  8. Aw, I can't imagine how hard that must be! Sending you peace and strength today! :)

  9. Your post made me tear up. I know all too well the feelings your feeling about going back to work. I went back to work two weeks ago, and leaving my then-11.5 week old in the arms of a (very wonderful...but not me...) caregiver was so hard. It didn't help that by the end of her first week, she came down with a cold and we had to take her to the ER for a fever. Keep your chin up. It does get better. And if you have any spare time, the book "The Fifth Trimester" by Lauren Smith Brody is worth a read. I'm working through it on my pumping breaks, and though it still makes me tear up at times (because working mom guilt is all too real), overall it makes me feel so much better. Good luck!!

  10. I'm sure today will be tough but both of you will do great!! I'm sure you'll be so excited to see each other when you pick her up.

  11. Oh man, good luck today, girl! Goodness, it's so hard leaving them! Just keep focusing on what it's going to feel like when you go pick her up today!! You are both going to be elated! I hope she feels better soon.

  12. Going back to work is so hard. Mondays were always hard. I'm sure she is in excellent hands and I hope that the day goes by quickly for you!

  13. Sending lots of love your way!!! I hope the day goes by fast for you.

  14. Thinking of you and hoping your first day back went well. Enjoy those baby snuggles tonight. Hope little miss is feeling better, too.

  15. You both will do great mama!! Hugs and prayers!

  16. You made it through the first day, the hardest day. It will continue to get more bearable... never easy but more bearable! Xoxoxo


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!