{WHW}: I'm back from the dead

Hey friends--do you remember me? I used to blog here semi regularly and then I dropped off the planet because I just couldn't get my act together and wanted to spend my time with my baby before going back to work. But, I'm back for a sec for what's hap-"pinning" Wednesday!
So here's a quick recap of what's been going on with me lately:

~We went to the shore for a week with MG's family like we usually do. We took family photos (still waiting on them from the photographer), had a surprise 70th birthday for my MIL, had family come from out of town for the surprise who we haven't seen since my wedding, and basically just had a nice week away on the bay

~We had our first time away from Ella when we left her at the shore with my two SIL's for 2.5 days so that MG and I could go to my best friend's wedding in VA Beach.

~The wedding was so fun and I was so glad to be there to celebrate my bestie on her day (more on this to come)
~Ella rolled over 7 times on Monday (from tummy to back) during tummy time. Baby girl is growing up!
~We also had a trip to the pediatrician because she's developed reflux in the past week, and the last 3 days especially have been much worse. Thankfully she's still gaining weight like a champ, doesn't seem too bothered by it overall, so the pediatrician isn't recommending medicine. I sure hope it goes way quickly though because it's no fun (and it's messy!)

~The last two weeks after getting back from our week/weekend away have been spent holding my baby Ella close, getting in all of the snuggles, kisses, smiles and laughs that I can because this mama is going back to work on Monday.

I've literally cried at least once a day for the last week and a half and feel the minutes slipping by this week. I know she's going to be in good hands with my good friend during the days, but I still wish it was me. I have the irrational fear that she's going to love her babysitter more than me (I know logically that this isn't true), and I feel like I'm gonna miss so much of her life. She's already starting to roll over--what else am I going to miss?

In addition to all of those feels, adding to my lack of desire to go back to work: I got an email last week that a parent is suing our school system. Can you understand why I feel this way? Ugh.

So, yeah...you can find me snuggling my Ella bear for the next 5 days straight.
What's hap-"pinning" with you?? Link up with Jessi and I to share!


  1. eeek look at those baby arm rolls! You look great and I love the one of the 3 of y'all! (seriously, don't think about work until you have to. Just load up on Ella time and cuddles) love you!

  2. LOVED your dress for your bestie's wedding! And yay Ella rolling back and forth like a champ. Sending you alllll the *hugs* as you head back to work. The first week is the hardest, but I promise it gets easier <3
    Green Fashionista

  3. No wonder you've been away from the blog - you guys have been up to so much! I love watching sweet Ella grow - rolling over, so exciting!!

  4. I was just thinking I hadn't seen a post from you in a while. For lots of very good reasons!! Oh that smile is just precious :)

  5. oh that sweet face! love how she's growing and rolling, oh my! i don't blame you for not making this a priority but rather that sweet family of yours. enjoy it!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Awwww sweet babe! I hope the transition goes well for both of you and you get every last snuggle in before you go, and when you are home!

  7. Yea for family time, weddings, and snuggle time! Boo for work and parents suing. Enjoy your last few days at home! Going back will be hard, but it will make the time together even that much better!! XOXO, R

  8. Ella is looking delicious with all those little baby rolls!! I just want to eat her! And Momma I feel your pain... it is SO hard leaving your babies for the first time. It does get better, but unfortunately the guilt never goes away. As a matter of fact it's only gotten worse for me the older they've gotten. I'm postively DYING to be a SAHM (something I never thought I would say) but we just can't seem to find a way to make it work yet. I've been praying so much about it and lately I've been feeling like I'm going to go crazy if we can't make it work. Parenting is just so freaking hard. I'll be thinking about you!

  9. I can't believe how big she is getting!!! :) I'm so glad you were able to have family time and also get away for your friends wedding.

  10. How fun to get away for a wedding but I'm sure that was hard too! Yay for a family vacation in there as well! It is so hard leaving your baby to go back to work, it will get better in time but like Lindsay said, sometimes the desire to stay home becomes so strong, that's what happened to me (and I said I would never be a SAHM mom LOL) Hugs!!

  11. Enjoy this week!

    Sorry I missed you at the shore this year.

  12. Girl I am SO paranoid my baby is going to forget me when I'm at work... I'm ridiculous! I'm so scared she's going to start liking my mom/MIL more than me :( Will be praying for you Monday! It will be so hard to leave her but every day it will get easier and easier I promise!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!