{WHW}: Weeks Are So Long

Hey friends...
Is it me or is the week dragging? I actually feel like every week is really long this school year. Maybe it's still adjusting to the schedule, etc, but by the end of some weeks, if I try and think about something that happened earlier, I have a hard time remembering if it happened this week or the week before. 

It probably doesn't help that Ella's got another runny nose, that apparently made it hard for her to nap yesterday at preschool. As in, she didn't nap. At all. So early to bed for her last night, and I started feeling a scratchy throat on Monday night and ended up going to bed early that night myself because I was just beat. Hoping we can keep the full blown sickies away!

I'm already looking forward to the weekend (which, at this rate, will probably happen in about 2 months haha) for a ton of reasons. 
It's a short one today because honestly, I'm just tired.  Hoping your week is going faster than mine! 
Here's a pic of my sick cutie pie from this weekend, because I can't resist :)
Link up below and let us know what's hap-"pinning" with you!


  1. I seriously told Nathan last night that I couldn't believe it was only Tuesday night, so I totally feel ya, girl! I hope little Ella starts to feel better soon. <3

  2. Girl yes. It has been a longgggg week and I can't believe there are still three more full days until the weekend. Sigh. Hang in there! Praying y'all get better soon!

  3. Girl, no this week is LOOOONNNGGG! And this is the sickies season. E will have a constant running nose from now until mid April. UGH. Hang in there and diffuse some oils lather her in Thieve when you drop her off and bathe her when you get home. And drink wine! lol. Love you.

  4. Hope you both feel better soon! I sort of don't want this week to end since my parents are here and i have extra help! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. We are sick here too-- well Mike and Shelby. Jacob and I are trying to be warriors!! Hope you feel better soon! XOXO, R

  6. ugh Andi is sniffles and cough thanks to preK and teacher said "welcome to school" hahaha so annoying! She was like, "and after winter colds, spring allergies as they call it"

  7. I hope E gets to feeling better. When I was in the classroom I felt like every week felt like a million days long until after Halloween. Then, they flew by until Spring Break hit. Hope you all get some rest and that Friday comes super quickly for you.

  8. Uhhggg... I agree, the weeks seem to be dragging on! Poor E... another cold?! Back to school time is always the worst... I work with preschoolers and elementary school kiddos and right now everyone is sick! Hope you fight it off and she feels better soon!

  9. Yep this week is dragging. Especially today. I am sorry you guys are sick again. But I love the IG stories and Ella's curls in her hair!

  10. This week really has been dragging! I don't get it haha!

  11. This week has definitely been dragging! Sending lots of hugs for sweet Ella to feel better <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. Ugh I just got over my head cold, being sick is the worst so I hope you and Ella are feeling better!

  13. I am tired too!!! I have been going to bed at 9PM and getting up at 7AM and heading to work - I drive in feeling like I had not slept at all! I think it is the weather change?? UGH Friday is almost here-hang in there!!! THANKS FOR HOSTING!

  14. oh gosh, hope you don't get sick too! hope Ella is all better now. anyway i'm late so at least it's friday now? lol. have a good weekend!

  15. Bless. Y'all remind me of our family about five or six years ago when someone was CONSTANTLY sick in our house. I swear Jacob was the sickest baby because - daycare - but the good thing is that he never gets sick now aside from run-of-the-mill colds. I hope y'all all feel better soon!


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