{WHW}: Through with the Flu

It's already the middle of the week but I'm beat! And that's mainly because I was at home, caring for my flu-riddled kiddo. 
Friday afternoon the school sent out an email that flu and strep were running rampant throughout and they were doing a deep clean that weekend. About 3 hours later I got a call from Ella's teacher saying she woke up from her nap with a 103 temp and shivering. 

So, I scooped her up and took her to the pediatrician to get a diagnosis since MG was leaving for a work trip Sunday morning ( because, of course!). He was luckily home by the time we swung by so we all went together which was a good thing bc Ella ended up throwing up in the car (on herself in the carseat) on the way to the doc. She was SUPER upset then. Upon arriving to the doc's office, they gave her a dose of Tylenol which she immediately threw up...this time all over me. Neither of us had a change of clothes, so it was one of those super glamorous mom moments (not!)

Flu diagnosis came back pretty quickly and we headed to the pharmacy to get Tamiflu and anti nausea meds which took FOREVER. Luckily after getting a popsicle at the doc's, Ella had finally calmed down. Took her back out to the car in a shirt, and her diaper (bc I had no spare clothes for her ughhhh) and covered her in a towel I had in my car and the paper blanket in case she puked again.
Made it home and she threw up again, and again it was on me--so Ella got a bath, mommy hopped in the shower, and then I held her while she shivered away and napped on my shoulder and MG cleaned up the messes everywhere. Luckily she slept the night away (13.5 hours!). And the next morning she was only really miserable when she woke up. The rest of the day she was acting totally normal, eating and drinking fine, and you'd never have been able to tell she had the flu. She was extra snuggly and did fall asleep on me around 11 which never happens, but those were the only signs she had anything. 
Her temp was 103 Sunday morning again which meant that I'd have to keep her home on Monday since she had to be 24 hours fever free. MG left Sunday morning for his trip, but shortened it so that he could get back by Tuesday morning. (He is a trooper I tell you--he flew to Israel for a meeting--left Sunday morning, got there Monday morning their time, had a full day of work and meetings, and hopped back on a plane that night and made it home the following morning! He didn't sleep in a bed the entire time he was gone. I love that man).
Pedialyte popsicles (or "pock-a-bulls") were a HUGE hit this weekend
So, we had a lot of time at home and we were both going stir crazy come Monday. Ella woke up with no fever and hovered around 99 all day without meds. My friend was super sweet and dropped off Chik Fil A for lunch for us and threw in a craft activity so that we could have something different to do. Thank goodness for friends!

So Tuesday morning I got ready like I normally would for work, and crossed my fingers when I took her temp in the morning and let out a sign of relief when it was 98!
she doesn't actually use a binky, but plays with it every now and then
Pulling into the ps lot, though, I wondered if school was closed because almost no one was there. No other 1's kiddos were there and there's usually 1-2 others by the time Ella arrives. Her one friend Alex's mom texted me Monday saying her daughter ended up with flu, strep AND croup. Ella's teacher and bestie Liam had been out earlier last week. So...it's definitely running the course through the school.

So, all that is to say, thank goodness for the flu shot she got. Thank goodness for a mild run in with the flu. Thank goodness for sick leave. And thank goodness for Spring to almost be here because I need this cold and flu season to be OVER! Get your flu shots, kiddos!

Anyway, that's what's been hap-"pinning" here. During naps, I've been reading Michelle Obama's book Becoming and I just adore her. I'm about half way through and really enjoying it. Other than that, I'm caught up on tv, and I'm pretty sure Ella needs a detox from electronics (tv and my phone) because we were in survival mode being stuck inside.

Hopefully you're illness-free! Share what's hap-"pinning" with Jessi and I below!


  1. Yes! So sorry she had the flu but SO thankful you got her the shot! Glad she’s better and yay for Spring Break soon!

  2. I am so sorry! Girl, now I feel awful for my text yesterday when you were in the the thick of it. Glad you had your shot, we have been flu free here thanks goodness, but strep... ugh. Love you.

  3. The throw up in the car seat sessions are the worst!! So glad she is feeling better :)

  4. Oh gosh-- sounds like she had it BAD!!! I can handle a lot but vomit is the worst! Glad she's doing better!! You all have surpassed your sick quota for the year. Germs...go pick on someone else! XOXO, R

  5. I avoid so many social situations because of this. It's awful the way I never even considered germs like this before I had a baby! Hope this coming weekend is better!

  6. Poor Ella! I can't even imagine how miserable she was, and poor momma! I've been there - Serena threw up on me during a throat culture at urgent care last year. Even the doctor was grossed out, and I thought they were used to it! Ha! Sending lots of hugs and well wishes to her and her class <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. Oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear yall went through all of that!! Glad you're on the mend!! How sweet of your friend to drop off food & a craft, I love that idea!

  8. Poor baby. And poor mommy. That flu has been EVERYWHERE here. I have been sanitizing and washing and cleaning like a crazy person just to be safe. I'm hoping the warm weather runs it off soon. Prayers that you and hubs don't end up with it!

  9. The flu is no fun at all. Poor kiddo! I hope she's feeling much better by now!

  10. Oh no! I hope your baby feels better soon! It is so hard to see little ones sick! Annster's Domain

  11. Oh man, poor little lady! And you too with all the vomiting on you. I ma glad she is feeling better! And what a sweet hubby you have. I loved Becoming as well.

  12. Oh gosh y'all - the WORST! Its so crazy how much its hitting this year!

  13. Oh wow. I am soo sorry that that all happened to you guys and with MG being gone. He is a saint for going to Israel and back. That is tough!!

  14. Ugh, so glad she's feeling better now. It's so hard when it's happening. MG is a rockstar... but so are you!

  15. I'm SO glad that Ella is feeling better! EVERYONE needs to get flu shots! Thank goodness you all did!


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