Birthday Extravaganza!

Hey all! I'm back from another weekend of celebrating a birthday, except this time, it was mine!

Thursday night Boyfriend made it into town with only a five minute delay (much better than had been anticipated) and we headed out to get food and drinks for happy hour. Friday Boyfriend made his way to work with me and finally got to see my teeny tiny office and meet some of the students and people who I work with. We met up with his best friend for lunch and then went back home to rest up before the night's adventures.

While I was getting ready for a night out, little did I know that there was a surprise waiting for me when I got to dinner. I had originally
planned on Boyfriend and I having dinner at Rosa Mexicano (yummy) and then meeting up with friends at a bar near the restaurant. I was hurriedly getting ready and Boyfriend kept telling me "We have time. Don't worry. Take your time." So, we get to the restaurant and instead of heading to the Hostess stand, he takes a left and heads over to the bar area, which prompted a slew of "Where are we going? Why are we going this way?" and then I saw a table of my friends all there waiting to surprise me! I was really surprised and super excited because I had never had a surprise party ever before.

I sat down after getting over my shock and found out that my incredible roommate had taken on this task and arranged everything (Boyfriend just helped to stall me from getting there too early as I am known to do). I felt super special, and was very surprised. I had such a good time with my friends and it was really fun to see everyone!

This birthday I definitely have many things to be thankful for. My
roommate, Genna, has always been on the list of things I am thankful for (if you know me, you know that some of my roommate situations have not been the most stellar), and this birthday she made sure to make me feel extra special. I am incredibly lucky to have her as my friend, and to have all of my other friends and Boyfriend in my life. I definitely would say this birthday goes down as one of the best ones I've had and it's because the people who truly care about me were there. (Thank you, Genna!!)

The rest of the weekend was spent recovering from the festivities on Friday night, having dinner with my parents and Boyfriend, and then taking Boyfriend to the airport yesterday. Sad face. Back to waiting another month before I can see him (I was really getting used to seeing him every 2 weeks...although my credit card was not!)

Here's to another year older, hopefully another year wiser, and to good people continuing to be in my life!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Just found you on Mingle Monday! Hope you can check out our blog as well!

  2. stopping by from mingle monday!

    happy (belated) birthday! how awesome that even long distance, your guy can help throw you a surprise party!!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, sounds like it was a great one! :) Stopping by from Mingle Monday. Love your blog!

  4. Hey Jenn,
    I'm stopping over from Meg's Mingle Monday! I enjoyed reading the post about your birthday! (Happy Belated!)
    I just met an AMAZING guy who lives about 4 1/2 hours from me--I can relate to you there. I'm going to be meeting him for the first time in person in just a week and I am ecstatic.

    You reeled me in! I'll follow ya. Check me out sometime!


  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!
    @Jest-Setting Divas: I will check out your page!
    @Syndal: It was incredibly awesome that he helped out (and could be here for my birthday--both this year and last year!)
    @A Beautiful Mess: Good luck with your meet-up! I hope it goes well, and I look forward to hearing about it! Thanks for following!! :)

  6. Visiting from Mingle Monday! :)

    Happy Belated Birthday! My husband is in the military and we were long distance for a very long time before finally living together once we were married. I just have to say that it is worth the hard times if you really feel that he is the one! Good luck to you and your boyfriend! :)

  7. Happy late birthday! I just celebrated mine on the 16th! So nice of your roommate/bf to plan a surprise party for you- those are always so fun!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!