Friday's Letters

I'm in a writing mood today, so why not write some letters to people?
Are ya with me?
Dear MG, I'm SOOOO glad that you're back from your work trip overseas. It's nice to have you to cuddle with, be silly with, go on dates with....the reactions from you are a little more advanced than Cooper's. Everyone said to me while you were gone "absence makes the heart grow fonder", but I was already fond of you, so how about no more work trips? :)

Dear job, I'm not sure how you lost only PART of my paperwork for my teaching license (that I turned in back in October), but because of you, I spent half my day yesterday driving around to personally hand-deliver that paperwork (AGAIN) so that I don't get a "termination letter" because you lost my paperwork. Get it together!

Dear 60 degree weather, how about you stick around a little longer than a few hours the next time? I'm ready for Spring! 

Dear old friend, I'm not really sure why you're still friends with my ex on facebook. And, on top of that, I'm REALLY not sure why you commented and liked his "engagement" update either. After all the crap he did to me....really? Where's the loyalty?

Dear birthday/NY trip, I'm looking forward to my birthday present/weekend getaway to NY with MG next weekend, and ringing in my 30's with some fun in the city and my lovahhh. I have NO idea what we are doing, where we are staying or anything, but I'm excited to find out in a week!

Dear 2013, everyone keeps telling me that you're going to be a "great year" for me. So far so good. I'm excited to see what else you've got up your sleeves for the next 10 months! 

Dear Cooper, you're the best dog ever. You've always been a great puppy companion, and you were a great one when MG was gone. The snuggles, cuddles and wiggles that I got warmed my heart. You're the best pup a girl could ever hope for!

Hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend! Catch ya on Monday!


  1. cooper reads your blog?!?! omg he IS amazing.
    really sweet about what you said about MG. made my icy heart melt a bit. but you know he has to travel ... being what he does and all ;)

    (total inside joke for anyone other than Jenn trying to figure out what it means).

  2. YAY boyfriend's back, cooper is awesome, and wonderful birthday weekend is coming up! :) YAY!

  3. Yay! MG is back!

    and wow that's totally shitty of "old friend". Shame on them!

  4. Oh not only are you having a big 3-0 birthday celebration, most of it is a surprise?! I loooove that! Go MG!

  5. Your "Old friend" reference makes me think of that pin about not liking someone because your best friend doesn't like them. Girl, don't even WORRY about your ex, including who is or was friends with him. Who knows, maybe your friend "liked" the status so that he would HAVE to think of you. You never know.


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