Happiness is...

I saw a status update on a friend's facebook page and it inspired this post.
Happiness is about the little things, not the big things.

Happiness is....

...someone heating your seats before you get in the car on a cold day....

....finding money in something you haven't worn or used in a while...

.....getting the last parking spot on a street filled with cars....

.....puppy tail wiggles when you walk in the door....

......having arms come out of nowhere and wrap around you while you're cooking....

....opening the sunroof....

.....a random love note....

.....hot chocolate with TONS of marshmallows....

....a glass of cold white wine on a hot summer day....

....a day off from work because of snow....

.....finding your favorite movie on tv....

.....holding hands.....

I needed to focus on some happy positive things today, so I figured what better time to look at things that make ya happy!
What are the little things that make your happiness?


  1. very cute post! and i agree with many of things.

    my happiness today is...Troy giving me a pack of turtles.

    now...can i eat them now or do i have to wait!?

  2. absolutely. It's important to remember the little parts of our day.

    XO, Emily
    Blue Dog Belle

  3. I love all of these. It's true, happiness is in the little things :)

  4. Hope things have turned up a bit! The little things are the best (and most important). :)

  5. I needed some positive in my life today too, and reading this was just the solution!:) My husband turns my car on for me every morning when he leaves - there's nothing better than running out to the car in the freezing chill and having it all toasty, warm and ready to go. Love that. And random love notes? Those are my fave!:)


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!