{WHW}: Life Updates

Happy Wednesday, friends! It's been a bit since I've been here and I was really just soaking up all of the time I was having with Ella before going back to work. Unfortunately, that dreaded day has come this week and I'm back at it, so I thought for this WHW, I'd fill you in on the random things I've been thinking about and dealing with.
~We had an amazing summer! Getting to spend 2 months with Ella, every single day was incredible. I won't lie, there were hard LONG days, and being a SAHM is NOT easy. But knowing that my time at home with her was limited made me appreciate even the tough days just that much more.

~Our family vacation to the beach was everything I'd hoped it would be and more. I still need to recap that, but it's not often we get 2 uninterrupted weeks together (other than maternity/paternity leave), and it was absolutely the best! Ella is definitely a little beach/water baby and it was the most fun watching her get to experience everything now that she's more alert and into exploring.
~We've been trying for baby #2 naturally for months now, in hopes that we'd be one of the couples that things just "clicked" for after having the first. That's not the case, and it's frustrating, upsetting, depressing and just ugh. We have an appointment with our fertility doctor next week to lay out next steps and get on our way with the next round of our infertility journey. There have been so many tears shed over this, and the feelings of "what's wrong with me?" resurfacing. I've said so many times, I just want to know what it's like to get pregnant naturally, without medicine and doctors, and it just doesn't look like that's in our future which has been hard to come to grips with, a second time around.
All this to say, I'm thankful that there are still options for us, and I am so thankful that we have Ella already. I know there are others waiting for their first pregnancy/baby and I TRULY understand that desire/heartache/struggle. This is just the place that I'm at, once again.
~Going back to work on Monday was a struggle. Ella is in a daycare center near our house for these two weeks before she starts her preschool program after Labor Day. It was the first time that I've had to leave my baby with someone I don't know and trust and that was SO hard. Last weekend was a bag of emotions that I had trouble dealing with (and I was doing it alone since MG was away for a bachelor party until Sunday early afternoon). I've realized even more this summer that being a mom just comes with all kinds of inherent guilt. Having Ella plucked out of my arms Monday morning, crying and likely scared/unsure of what was happening, and leaving her like that broke my heart. I sobbed on my drive to work, feeling like "how could I do that to her?" She was, of course, fine after a few minutes and had a great day...and yesterday she got out of my arms and just walked off to play, no tears. But there is SO much guilt. Working moms, SAHM moms...the guilt is there no matter what.
Morning snuggles before work/daycare:
I appreciated all of you who texted, or sent messages on Instagram checking on us on Monday and Tuesday, knowing it was going to be a tough day for us. I was reminded again why I love this blogging community so much and I've missed you all.

~My mom got us Hamilton tickets!!!!!!! We are going next week and I am still in shock! MG and I have been on the Hamilton train for over 2.5 years. I remember listening to the soundtrack on the drive to see my dad in the hospital, so we've been wanting to see this show for YEARS now. I'm pumped that it's actually happening and so so grateful that my mom made this happen!

On that happier note, I'll depart for today. I'm hoping to be able to get back here regularly now that I'm back to the work grind. 
In the meantime, fill me in on what's been hap-"pinning" with you!


  1. Sorry to hear that you're struggling again with #2. Hopefully this time around is easier physically, although mentally I know it will be just as tough. Glad Ella is doing well at daycare and I am SO jealous of your Hamilton tickets! So exciting!!!! XOXO, R

  2. You're such a great mommy, Jenn, and Ella knows exactly how much you love her! So thrilled for your "Hamilton" tickets; that will be a blast. And regarding Baby #2, I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling again. Praying for you guys!

  3. so busy, girl! I mean, I'm so glad you took a break over the summer to spend time with family and just enjoy. you totally deserve it. and I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it is to leave her at daycare and feeling that separation and guilt. I think you're one strong woman! sending all the positive baby vibes your way for trying for #2! on a lighter note, we should continue discussing all the reality tv bc I feel like that's the best distraction from life sometimes and well, you are my reality tv spirit animal :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. SO many emotions! Glad she had a great day (and I'm with you on the tears) I just want to squeeze you both!

  5. I hate the struggle for you. I know how much it hurts for you and I just hate it. But Ella is a blessing and hopefully so will baby #2.

  6. I cannot imagine the guilt, I see it with all my friends, even the ones that stay at home. I am sorry you are going through the struggle again, my friend is trying for #2 and having to do it too, she's had 2 miscarriages in trying to do it "without help." Sending you lots of hugs! And I am SOOOOOOO jealous of your Hamilton Tickets, that is going to be awesome!

  7. So sorry to hear of the struggles for #2, it's so hard :( I always hated the few times Bowen would cry when I left him at daycare. I hated that being the last image in my head..ugh. But as you said I knew he would be fine :) Glad to hear you had a wonderful summer with your sweet girl!!

  8. I know that Ella loves you so much and wont even remember the tears she shed leaving you. Sending you lots of good vibes and prayers for your appointment next week!! On a lighter note - hamilton will be amazing! I'm jealous that you're going to see it! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  9. Saying a prayer for you as you venture back out into the workforce. Visiting you today from Sarah Fraser's link up.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling with baby #2. You will be in my prayers again until your day comes!! XO

  11. I am sooo glad you got such precious Ella time! You will never regret a second. That’s why never ever worry, the blog will always be here. So much LOVE and hugs your way and a big YAY for Hamilton!

  12. I am so glad y'all were able to have that time together over the summer!

  13. Your beach trip looked like so much fun! Hoping for a great appointment next week for you!

  14. Alice starts at a daycare/preschool on Monday, and I'm already a mess of emotions! And I'm so excited for you to see Hamilton! I saw it at the Kennedy Center a couple weeks ago and it's AMAZING!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!