
I'm bizaaaaaaack! (Shore Week Recap)

Hey peeps! I'm back, and tanner than ever (well, for me anyway) :) I want to give a HUGE shout out of thanks for my guest posters, Janna and Shari, and a special shout-out to P!nky for pinch-hitting/posting when one of my guest posters cancelled last minute. Thank you, girls! You rock!!

I've actually been back since Tuesday night, but the last two days have been spent getting re-situated, packing up my place, running errands, getting Cooper, etc etc etc. Phew, I'm tired just thinking about it! But, the good news is, MG and I had the BEST time at the shore with his family. The week absolutely flew by and before we knew it, we were saying good bye.

The trip was filled with a lot of love and tons of fun! And a lot of gluttony in the form of cheese steaks, totally unhealthy (but delicious) other foods, drinks, etc etc. (Needless to say, I've been hitting the gym since getting back)
I'm gonna give you a run down of everything with some pictures...
Me and the girls on the first night we got to the shore
My little buddy for the week...she actually fell asleep and laid like that for over an hour
We met up with MG's friend from HS and his gf and went out for the night
We ended this night with a dose of cheesesteaks. The best cheese steaks I've ever had.
I'm convinced I never had a cheesesteak before the ones I had this past week.

The next day, MG's dad made appointments for all of the ladies to get our nails done which was a super nice treat! We had breakfast, got nails done, and did a little shopping before heading back to get ready for the family pictures.
Me with MG's nephew before the family pics
Wearing white for the photos
MG's sister, brother in law, MG and I went out to OD, where we felt O-L-D...
People were legit out at midnight in their swimsuits still. It was entertaining to watch everyone (and even partake a little bit in the silliness), but we were definitely the oldest (and most out of place) people in the bar.

We ended that night with another dose of cheesesteaks. Mmmm.

The next day it was monsoon raining, so we all drove into Atlantic City to check out the new Rebel casino which was INSANELY nice! After lots of walking around, we went to dinner for MG's dad's bday:
MG's parents...so cute! 
Us at the birthday dinner
After dinner we did some gambling and MG's parents won $500 between the two of them (luckies!) whereas I lost $15 and MG lost $1. Boo. We rectified our sad feelings by stopping by The White House for......you guessed it: cheese steaks! This place one of those old-school really well known joints that's small and has pictures of tons of celebrities who have been there, like Dr. Oz and Ellen!

Our last day we spent enjoying the awesome weather on the beach. We had our last dinner with all of the family and then packed up the car and got 800 million hugs and kisses from the fam. I couldn't have asked for a better week, with more amazingly friendly and warm people. And, I made out without totally scorching my skin. Woop!

Another big shout out to my guest posters! I'll be back to my normal posting routine/schedule next week....and stay tuned cuz I have some EXCITING news to share!!!!


Last Day at the Beach...

I'm back for a short post since I don't have a guest poster for today....

The week has flown by and we've had some amazing times. I'm sad to be leaving the beach and MG's family. I keep being told by the kids that they're sad we're leaving tomorrow. One of the kids thought we had left last night and apparently was visibly relieved when he found out that we were still here for another day.

I'm off to spend some Quality Time with everyone, and hopefully soak up a little more of the beach and the sun before we have to drive off, back to reality.

There will be lots more to come but here are two of several of the pictures we took this weekend:

I think they like me...just a smidge :)

My little nugget....love her!!!

I'll be back soon for some recaps! Hope your weeks are good!


Guest Post: Shari @ The Daily Dish

Hey friends! I have another awesome chica to guest post for me while I'm at the beach with the beau. Her name is Shari and she lives in Chicago. She always has amazing recipes on her blog, The Daily Dish, so you should definitely check out her blog when you're done reading her post here!

And now, I'll leave you to drool over some delicious looking meals....Happy drooling! :)

Hello Going The Distance readers! My name is Shari and I blog over at The Daily Dish. I'm so jealous that Jenn is off enjoying the beach this week, but I'm happy to be here guest posting. Since it's summertime, and I'm a food blogger, I thought I'd focus on some of my favorite dishes to make in the Summer.
And, last but certainly not least, something that will satisfy your something cold (and sweet) craving on any warm Summer night.
Try one or all of them. I promise you won't be disappointed. Most importantly, don't forget to stop by my blog and say hello! I love hearing from new readers. :)


Guest Post: Janna @ Perception is Everything

Hey, everyone! The second treat of the week I have for you is Janna over at Perception is Everything. She is incredibly sweet, has a great outlook on life, and is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside :)
Head on over to her blog and check her out!

Now, I'm off to enjoy the sun and sand!

'Ello Dearies!
I am pleased as punch to be here, while Jenn is away!
I'm only a little bit mad that she has left us all for the beach...

Do you know how much it sucks to have been raised a stone's throw from a 
beach your whole life, and then end up at the foot of Pike's Peak in Colorado?
I mean, it's cool and all, but SO not the same thing.

I actually get caught off guard when people ask me which I like better.
I don't want to hurt their feelings by saying I would ditch their mountains in a heartbeat, 
but I don't wanna be a liar...
Lying is bad.

And this is a big but.
Colorado is growing on me.
ssssssssshhhhhh don't tell.

The views are breathtaking, there are a million and one things to do, 
and I have now made some great friends!
It also helps that I am here with my Prince Charming.

I'd love to meet you all, so stop on by for a visit, or find me on Facebook!
For now I will leave you with another picture of paradise in Jenn's honor...
Love ya, girl and thanks again!


Thirsty Thursday #9 Guest HOST: {P!nky}

Happy Thursday, party people! I have a treat for you...one of my absolute favorite people, and my first bloggie-to-real-life friend, P!nky, is here to guest post AND guest HOST for me for the 9th Thirsty Thursday link up with my other bestie, the supah cute Trish

P!nky's a super funny, sweet, and all around amazeballs girl, and helped me out big time by filling in for another person who ended up not being able to guest post for me! So check out her blog after you read her post here! You will love her!

I'm off to soak up some relaxation at the beach!! (Try not to hate me too much! ;)


Oh hey whut up ladies?!!??! Yep, you guessed it, I'm not Miss JennJenn!
She's at the beach [punk] so you've got MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
today as your guest host!!
I seksi and I know it!?!?

Who's me?!?!!? Welll P!NKY of COURSE!
Oh hey hey hey!!!!
Now let's get DRANKIN'!

My drink of choice because of the heat:
Frozen FRENCH Lemonade

Frozen French Lemonade (serves 4)

•1/2 cup Alizé Red Passion Passion liqueur
•1/2 cup citrus vodka
•1/2 cup water
•1/2 cup frozen lemonade concentrate
•4 cups of ice

1.Add ice, Alizé Red Passion liqueur, citrus vodka, water and frozen lemonade concentrate to a blender.
2.Blend until slushy and pour into a Champagne flute.

Since YESTERDAY was the FIRST day of SUMMER,
I thought, hmmmm now that summer is here...
WHAT AM I GOING TO DO for fun?!?!

Usually I am a GO WITH THE FLOW kind of gal.
I don't like to get stressed by making plans.
All you ladies that have something to do every weekend

I like to throw something together or just laze away.
Easy Peasy FRESH and SQUEEZY!

Well, this year I am going to try something different.
I found this list on Pintrest
[but can't remember where!?!?! 100% not my idea]
and thought, hmmmm a summer list eh?!!?
Let's DO IT!!!
Now, I know MOST of these things pertain to children,
I truly am a KID at HEART
So I thought, why not?!!?

Then, I found THIS PIN and got even more excited! 

Yep Yep, I know what C and I are doing this weekend.
We are gonna make a cup of fun ideas.
Whether we use Popsicle sticks or just pieces of paper,
we're doing it!

So, y'all let's make a PLEDGE that we will make this summer
Try something new,

Don't forget to link up mmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay!


WILW and Oh How Pinteresting!

It's Wednesday which means it's time to hop into some of my favorite link ups of the week with Michelle and Jamie!

I'm loving that MG and I leave for a WEEK to the shore. Sun, sand, yummy drinks, great company....what else could you ask for? Make sure you stop by while Im gone cuz I have some great chicks guest posting for me!

I'm loving that I got a pedicure in the middle of the day yesterday, for $25, and it was amazing! To be fair, I had been moving stuff all morning, so it was my treat for doing some hard work--plus I need pretty toes for the beach!

I'm loving when you can tell that someone has just learned the "skinny arm" trick for when you're taking photos....because they do it in EVERY photo! Teehee :)

I'm loving that one of my besties (and old roomie), Genna, might be coming to visit in the next month! I can't wait! I haven't seen her in what feels like forever (even tho we talk all the time), and I can't wait for her to finally meet MG and for us to spend some quality girl time together :)

I'm loving the previews for Magic Mike! Mmmmm

I'm loving that I finally purchased some coral nail polish this weekend

I'm loving living with MG :)

And, as always, I'm loving me some Pinterest!

This week I've been pinning...

Source: via Jenn on Pinterest

I dunno about you, but that looks perfect for the summer!

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms with Roasted Tomatoes and Goat Cheese....mmmm

Source: quickmeme.com via Jenn on Pinterest

I really can't swim, (not well, anyway) but if I could, I'd pretend I couldn't if these guys were gonna save me....yum! :)

Source: imgfave.com via Jenn on Pinterest

SOOOOO stinkin' cute!! I can't even stand it!!!

I think I'll do just that!! 
Follow Me on Pinterest

Catch you guys next week! Don't forget to stop by to check out my sweet guest posters!



There are a few things that have been going on over the past couple of days that make me feel like I'm "winning":

-It's now "summer vacation" for me, and I'm enjoying the idea of being away from the nonsense of work for the next few weeks or more. I'm also writing this from bed, while watching the Today show, and drinking my coffee. Life is good :) (and yes, I felt the daggers you all just sent me) :)

- Our trip to the shore is only 1 day away. Time at the beach with MG's family, MG not glaring at me in the mornings when he has to go to work and I don't, and sunshine! Can't go wrong! :)

- MG and I discovered Bud Light Lime-a-Ritas at the grocery store this weekend. They are quite tasty (kinda like Smirnoff ices) and somehow made their way into our cart, and are making their way to the beach with us tomorrow. There are 12 of them--think that counts for the HOV lanes? :)

-I managed the impossible: getting MG to tolerate the Bachelorette being on the tv for over an hour. Given, part of this was because he was playing a game on his tablet, BUT I know he was listening because he was commenting about the guys on the show. It made me laugh, but I kept my mouth shut. Gotta reel him in and get him interested first :)

-Each day that I have off of work, is one more day that I have time to pack up and move my stuff out of my apartment. All of which gets me closer to being done with Miss Messy (that might actually be the nicest name that I've been able to give her...lol).

-MG's family is having family pictures taken one day while we're at the beach this week, and guess who has been included in that? :) Couldn't feel more loved and accepted!

-Pinky and I invested in some presents to ourselves this past week with our purchase of the following:

We actually didn't do this intentionally on purpose, but when you both gravitate towards the same thing....what's better than the adult version of "bestie" rings? :)  (Lindsey, don't worry, our future Stella & Dot purchases will be through you, lady!)

And, those are just a few of the reasons why I feel like I'm "winning" lately! And now, I'm off to head over to my old apartment to clear out and pack some more things! Hope you have a good Tuesday!