Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory
Well, this memory is a recent one, but it is VERY vivid in my mind.
The day that MG proposed to me!
We were staying in Philly for the night, under the premise that he had a free night's stay from hotels.com for all of his work travels so we stayed at the Hotel Monaco on Saturday with plans to go to dinner that night. It was a windy day, but it wasn't raining like it had said in the forecast so we walked around the city during the day, did some shopping, had some cheese steaks, went to Penn's Landing market, South Street, etc. After several hours, we headed back to the hotel to relax and get ready for dinner and a wine happy hour that our hotel had at 5.
Around 5:30 we went to the hotel lobby and had a glass of wine (or two), then left to head to the restaurant. MG said that we should walk up the street a bit to hail a cab and I asked if the front door men could do it, but he said this would be easier to hail a cab going in the right direction. I thought nothing of it.
So we walk out of the hotel, towards the lawn in front of Independence Hall, and as we're walking across the grassy area, MG says we should get a picture. Being the photo-lover that I am, I eagerly say "ok" and start reaching in my purse for my camera. And then I turned around because MG stopped walking.
And there was something shiny in his hand, coming out of his pocket.
He said a lot of nice things, including how it would make him the happiest man alive, got down on one knee...and then used my full name, and asked me,
"Will you marry me?"
I am crying, saying over and over again, "Shut up! Shut up!"
Once I got over my shock, I said "yes" and he put this gorgeous ring on my finger.
We kissed and hugged...a bunch!
And then I stopped a random person, said we had just gotten engaged, and asked if he would take our picture (not knowing what had been captured above)
Then I called my dad and my mom, and my best friend. My dad informed me that he knew, because MG had had lunch with him earlier that week! (sneaky devil!)
So eventually, MG tells me that we're not really going to dinner at the place I thought we were going to, and that we needed to head back towards the hotel. We did, and waiting outside for us was a limo!
We get in, and the driver says he can drive us around for as long as we need. So we are both having champagne, calling friends and family, excited.
And after a bit, I'm on the phone with MG's sister talking about everything as we're pulling down a small street.
And then I see MG's nephew in the street. I hang up on MG's sister because I realize that his family and family friends are there!
We get out of the limo, get hugs, and then I see my mom standing there. I was SO surprised! (and proceeded to start crying again...)
And eventually after the swarm of hugs and excitement I was introduced to a guy who says, "I was the guy under the tree, and I took pictures of the whole thing!" (he was MG's dad's best friend) So we have pictures of every moment of the proposal, and a video of the limo pulling up outside of the restaurant, and it's amazing. He played the pictures for us at dinner and I cried all over again!
We had dinner and celebrated with everyone and the whole night is a total blur of happiness and excitement.
After dinner and all of the celebrating, MG's parents and my mom drove us back to our hotel, where I told the doorman that we had just gotten engaged so he took us to the lobby bar and bought us each a drink. We sat in our haze of happiness and talked about our plans and ideas....
I couldn't have asked for anything better! If I had known for 100% certainty that he was going to propose that weekend (I didn't), I never would have guessed HOW he did it or the surprises he had in store for me throughout.
I know MG said that he is lucky to have me, but I know I'm just as lucky and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
Oh, and I guess I should also say, Thanks, Match.com! ;)
Oh my goodness, we made it! What a fun trip this has been! A huge round of applause to Jenni for setting this great idea up! And for getting us all to venture out a bit more :)