This weekend went by in an absolute BLUR! But, we accomplished a lot and I'm feeling a lot more prepared for the wedding day which is now in TWELVE DAYS!!!
Friday I had what was supposed to be my last dress fitting, but there was still something wrong with one part of my dress, where it was pulling weird. Luckily they finally did something that looks like it's going to fix the problem, so I have to go back again this Friday. Nothing like cutting it close to the wire.

They also didn't have my bustle done (it was supposed to be my last fitting so I dont know why it wasn't), and two of my bridesmaids had come to see how it worked. So, now one of them is coming again with me this Friday. Arg!
After that my one friend Crystal and I hung out for a bit and she FINALLY met MG. It's crazy that they haven't met yet, but Im glad that they did, and before the actual wedding day haha. They both got along great, just like I knew that they would. We went to a local Mexican place, enjoyed some yummy chips and guac and dinner, and then Crystal made her way back to Maryland.
Friday was an early night for us as MG was still recovering from his jet lag and stint in the hospital from earlier that week, and I was just tired from the week in general. We were both falling asleep on the couch by around 9. Pathetic, I know.
Saturday insomnia struck both of us around 5am and neither of us could fall back asleep, so we got up and got stuff accomplished. I finished our escort cards (woohoo) and table numbers before the sun was even up haha.
The weather was DREADFUL this weekend with rain and winds and coldness...and it even sleet/snowed AGAIN yesterday. Luckily nothing stuck, but still. It's April tomorrow. What gives??

Saturday evening we dropped off our vases at the florists' house and then went to see our friends' new place that is SO close to the new house we just bought! Their house is super cute and I couldn't be happier for them! We hung out, talked wedding and honeymoon (they went to the same place we did), house buying, and then we took their cupcake stand for the wedding.
Sunday we went to church to meet with our pastor and finalize our wedding details (the order of events, how to hook up music for our niece to sing, etc). And then we braved the horrific weather and went to Costco to get everything for the welcome bags. DONE AND DONE! We picked out the final selections for the "must play" list for the wedding, as well, and I started getting my bridesmaids' gift bags together :) MG finalized everything for the rehearsal dinner and is calling today to give the restaurant the info.
Im feeling pretty darn accomplished with everything so far. And just hoping that I actually AM on top of things and not just tricking myself into thinking that I am.

Like I said, my weekend wasn't super exciting, but it was definitely filled with a lot of "getting things done" type of tasks, which makes me able to sleep better at night.
And you know a bride needs her sleep! :)