The things kids say...

It's no secret. When you work in a school, you are bound to hear some really funny things.

I've done posts before with the funny things kids say to me. I keep a list at my desk when something funny happens so I can remember it.

Here are a couple recents:

When walking to my office with a small group of kids, one of my students randomly asks me "Is there blood in everyone's nose?"
Not really knowing how to respond to this, I said something along the lines of, "Well, there is blood under the skin, so yeah I guess there is."
To which this kid responded, "So that explains why there's red juice up there"
And....I didn't ask any other questions. Mainly because I was afraid.

Another story was from when I was working with my 6th grade boys. We were playing "Apples to Apples" and the card "heavy" came up. (If you don't know how to play, there's a descriptor card and you have to use the cards in your hand to try and find something that describes the other card).
As soon as the card was placed down, the kid says, "My Mom used to date a guy named Heavy. She had his name tattoo'd on her back"
Again, I did not ask questions.

I heard two students walking in the hallway from inside my office. One of them says to the other, "Pretend you're Draco...." (from Harry Potter). I really wanted to know where the rest of that convo was going but they were walking away. I have a feeling it would have been pretty interesting.

At a meeting with one of my Preschool kiddos parents, the girl's mom was saying how she has a princess tea set, and she will go up to her dad and say "Daddy, it's princess time!"
Nothing funny about this, it's just SO cute!

And, that's all I have for kid stories today. I'm keeping my list, though, so hopefully I'll have some more entertaining stories for you coming up!


  1. Hahaha this is funny! Kids are hilarious

  2. Would have loved to have seen what the "Pretend you're Draco" conversation was leading to, lol! And red juice in the nose? Ick. It's probably a good thing you didn't ask any further questions on that one for sure. Kids definitely come up with some interesting statements, lol!:) Love that you write them down and share them with us. Makes me wish I back in the classroom sometimes!!!

  3. Red juice!! I died laughing. So funny!

  4. Red juice.... omg i'm going to call my bloody noses that from now on!

  5. These are TWO funny. "My mom used to date a guy named Heavy" oh my Lord. TOO FUNNY!

  6. Okay, I'm commenting again since I spelled TOO as TWO in my first post :( Haha I was thinking the first two were my got all jumbled together. Anyway, these are hilarious! "My mom dated a guy named Heavy once..." too funny :)

  7. Kids are hysterical. Love it.

  8. Bahaha kids are never ending entertainment!


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