

Happy Monday! This weekend was a mixed bag of stuff for us with some highs and some lows.

The main events from this weekend included:

~a 90 minute massage right after work which was heavenly 

~MG made reservations at Rustico for a stress-free dinner date night out which included yummy beers, risotto tots (omg) and some delicious pizza
~Obsessively listening to the Hamilton soundtrack throughout the entire weekend thanks to Carly bringing it to my attention. It is incredible! 

~MG and I made our way to visit my dad at the hospital for a few hours on saturday morning. We loved the nurse he had--she was so friendly, helpful and attentive

~Had a super late lunch at Seasons52 after our visit: mushroom bisque and mahi mahi tacos which were so delicious
~Got an early birthday present from MG when I found these adorable strappy Toms wedge sandals--definitely will be wearing these a ton once the weather gets nicer because they're super cute and really comfy!
~Took Coop for a long walk since it was in the 60s outside and then got ready to head to our friends' house for a birthday party

~Was in awe of the incredible spread that my friend made all herself (I didn't get a photo of it, but it filled an entire kitchen table and island, along with some counters. These delicious cupcakes and cookies were part of the spread
~Had a fun night hanging out with friends from work, drinking some wine, and laughing tons
~Woke up early and headed back to the hospital myself while MG ran errands and took care of laundry and other things around the house

~encountered the worst nurse that my dad has had thus far and did everything in my power not to go off on her....and I was pretty taken back when a doctor came in, toting her purse on her arm the entire time, even through her entire (one-handed) exam of my dad
~was totally disheartened with the people taking care of him Sunday, so I ended up staying longer to make sure he had what he needed before my mom got there

~Had an emotional good-bye with my dad before I left the hospital...he's hanging in there as best he can, but it's been really tough on him

~Had a tear-filled drive home followed by MG hugs when I got back

It was a pretty low-key, rainy rest of the evening. I ordered Thai take out because I had no motivation to think about making dinner.
Even though we had some fun moments this weekend, it was another emotional one for sure. 
If you have any room in your prayers, please add my dad to them--my family and I really appreciate the love and support.

I hope your weekend was nice and filled with family and friends :)


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that you had to have an emotional good bye with your dad. I seriously teared up reading this. You seem to be staying so positive through this all.
    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  2. I love those Toms wedges! And I hate to hear that about the horrible nurse and doctor on Sunday--thankfully you had a great one on Saturday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Really sad to hear that the care was really bad on Sunday...so disheartening! Glad to hear that you did have a lot of highs this weekend, though. Definitely thinking of you!

  4. Jenn, I'm so sorry that you had such a rough weekend and that's terrible about the dr. and nurse - but how rude and unprofessional of the dr. to carry her purse the entire time and treat your dad with less than the best care she could have provided for him. I would literally report her if possible. I am continuing to keep your dad and family in my thoughts and prayers that he has a speedy recovery and gets better treatment in the future. Love the Tom's wedges - they are too cute! Big hugs sweet girl! :)

  5. I'm sending positive vibes and virtual hugs your way! I really hope your dad gets better. I loved the bit of Hamilton they showed at the Granmys! It made me want to see the whole thing!

  6. There’s always room in prayers for a little extra and I’ll be including your dad in mine. So sorry to hear about the nurse and doctor.. I can only imagine how frustrating that would be. Your Tom’s wedges are so cute though and are guaranteed to be comfortable!

  7. Nothing would make me more furious than that doctor with her purse on her arm. Grrrrr! That's ridiculous! Still praying for your dad! Those TOMS wedges are precious and all of that food looks (and sounds) spectacular!

  8. oh my word sweetie! sending all the love and good vibes you and your family's way. i cannot EVEN handle when i encounter a rough nurse. i had that when my dad was in the hospital too come to think of it and there wasn't much you could do to not hold me back from freaking out on everyone. but the good ones really make it easier. sigh. anyway, glad you had some laughs in between all the tough stuff. all the love!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  9. I cannot believe that doctor! Seeing as I have spent hours and hours at MGH and thought I have seen it all when it comes to doctors and nurses, clearly I have not. Sorry you and your family had to go thru that. Sending lots of prayers your way.

  10. Ok, I'm going to start with the good. Totally jealous of your 90 min massage and that pizza looks delish! Love your new wedges too, I think you need to head to FL to wear those now :) That doctor... OMG, I can't even deal. How unprofessional and rude of her. Absolutely ridiculous. Sending you lots of love sweet friend! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  11. Sending so much love your way! Hugs!

  12. Those wedges are super cute and even better that they are comfy!!

  13. Your massage sounds heavenly! But I'm so sorry to hear that your dad wasn't being cared for properly yesterday. You should definitely report the unprofessionalism by the staff that day. Sending you lots of *hugs* gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. Nice nurses are just the best. So nice to see good people taking care of those you love! That after work massage sounds like a fabulous idea! Xo

  15. I am so sorry you had to deal with all of that unprofessionalism. Sending lots of prayers your way for your Dad and his caretakers. Also, I have been eyeing those wedges!!! They're so cute!!! And I want that pizza. It looks delicious! Have a wonderful, Monday!

  16. Sending lots of love, thoughts, and prayers your dad and you and your family's way. *hugs*

    Amy @ http://befilledwithj0y.blogspot.com/

  17. I'm so sorry about your daddy! I work at a hospital and had that happened to you here, I would take care of it for sure! There is no excuse for poor nurse care. Your Toms are cute as can be and I do hope this week is wonderful for you. Prayers and hugs

  18. Oh friend. My heart hurts for you. I hate nurses like this. Complain. Seriously. He deserves better. Love you tons.

  19. Good thoughts to your dad - I'm sorry you were unhappy with his care on Sunday. That makes everything harder in a lot of ways.

  20. I'm sorry you had that experience at the hospital with your Dad!! I would have been really hurt and angry about that behavior too... I mean, she couldn't put down her purse??? Come on!!!! I hope things improve for him... you are still in my thoughts often! xoxo

  21. So sorry to hear about your Dad and how he was treated on Sunday. The doctor with her purse is ridiculous. Will say some prayers for him and hope you gets better quickly. The lunch at Seasons 52 sounds amazing! I've only eaten there once but excellent food!

  22. Been thinking about you guys constantly. Praying for his strength and healing. I can't imagine how hard it has been on you and your mom but just know there are lots of people thinking about you guys and praying for you! Xo

  23. I am so so sorry that you had a cruddy experience on Sunday with the hospital staff. I cannot believe that the doctor had her purse on her the whole time, she didn't have the decency to just set it down outside before coming in to exam your dad! I'm still thinking about you guys constantly, I really really hope he recovers soon!

  24. I've been thinking of you guys so much. It's such a hard thing to go through and having difficult nurses/doctors don't make things any better. I'm sure all of your visiting is keeping his spirits up though! Loving your new wedges, too!

  25. I'm so sorry you had a horrible hospital experience. It's the worst when your loved when is in their care, and they act as though it's an inconvenience. Praying for you!

  26. I am so sorry about the nurse and doctor on Sunday. It is always the worst feeling leaving your loved ones in the care of people you don't like. When my daughters were in the NICU we had two nurses we didn't like. Thankfully, I was able to voice my concerns later on and they were never on my girls rotation again. Your family is in my prayers and I hope your dad recovers soon.

  27. I'm glad you got a massage- much needed, I'm sure! So sorry to hear about the staff and some of the stress as the hospital :( It's sad how different nurses can be- makes you really appreciate the sweet/helpful ones even more. I'll continue to keep your dad in my prayers!♥

  28. So sorry about your dad, yeah you get some great and some nit so great people taking care of you while in the hospital. I've experienced it and it stinks. Hang in there. Prayers for your dad!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  29. Y'all are in my good thoughts, so sorry you had to deal with those mean people! Sounds like a great weekend other than that. Hope the week is better!

  30. So sorry to hear about your dad. Careless nurses and doctors are the worst :( prayers definitely coming your way!

  31. Prayers for you and your dad! Hope this week gets better for you!

  32. Lovin' everything here from the food and shoes to the girl time but definitely thinking about you and your fam as your Dad is in the hospital. Sending prayers love and stay strong and positive! Love ya! xoxo

  33. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad - praying for you and your family! Daddy/ daughter relationships are so special!

  34. Oh darling friend, I'm so sorry your Dad is in the hospital AND that he had a horrible nurse/one-handed, purse holding Dr. That is so ridiculous. I'm sending you lots of love & many prayers -- and if you need to talk, vent, cry, whatever please feel free to text/call me anytime! xoxo

  35. need those sandals and cupcakes in my life. yum!

    um, what is with that doctor and her purse? put the bag down! jeepers. thinking of your dad xxx


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