
Weekly Wins and Funnies

Happy Friday!!! This week of stresses and torture is coming to a close (I hope anyway!) and I've got a 3 day weekend ahead to look forward to!

Despite the stress, there were some wins this week!

~We're going up to PA this weekend for Ella's baptism, and my mom is riding up with us too. Looking forward to spending time with family since we haven't seen them in about a month.

~My fantasy football team had another win last week and I'm now the only team with a 4-0 record (but that may end this week...womp womp)

~The PTA at the second school that I go to help at gave all of the teachers, myself included, a $35 check for beginning of the year funds to help offset some of the start of the year costs that we spend out of pocket. So nice!

~This super sweet card from one of my favorite students who I work with. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile and is a great reminder of why I do what I do
~After a scare with his insulin pump malfunctioning, and a night in the hospital, my brother-in-law (and Ella's soon-to-be Godfather) is doing much better. He sure did scare us though!

~I survived a week of commutes that looked like this in the mornings:
I'm not quite sure what is ramping traffic up lately, but I'd really love it to stop
~Cooper celebrated his 9th birthday with a long walk, extra snuggles, and some cheese with his dinner. And he only got yelled at once for barking on his birthday lol. #livingthelife

This smile is ALWAYS a win

And now for some funnies to wrap up the week:

When baby spits up on your outfit at daycare drop off and you go through the rest of the day with an awkward stain on your outfit
When you find out someone (who accused you of copying them) is "copying" you, and has been for weeks/months #weeklywins
What you want to do when you're having a bit of a rough day and things keep going south
{via} Can I call a time out?
How you feel when you make it through the tough stuff to another weekend
Hoping your Friday, and weekend, are victorious! :)


  1. Hope you all have the best time at Ella's baptism!! xo, BIana-BlovedBoston

  2. Hope your brother in law is doing okay! That happened to Dustin last year and he was in the hospital 2 nights--it was so scary. Can't wait to see baptism pictures!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Ella is getting so big! Enjoy the baptism :-)

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  4. Enjoy Ella's baptism! Walker totally spit up on me on my very first day back to work and I had a giant spit-up stain (and the accompanying stench from his reflux spit) on my black shirt all day. Haha, I still remember that four years later. ;)

  5. Happy Friday!! Your girl is so cute! How awesome about the $$ from the PTA?! Every little bit helps, right? Travel safely to PA! Hopefully the commute won't be as bad as the work commutes this week!

  6. Happy 9th Coop, you cutie! So wonderful that Ella is getting baptized! Have a beautiful and safe trip!

  7. Have a fabulous weekend, can't wait to hear about Ella's baptism <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. Have so much fun this weekend - baptisms are so special!

  9. Aw have fun with your family and at the baptism! Such a sweet day. Aw happy birthday cooper, my twinsie pup is celebrating her 9th in a few weeks too, they are tough old pups!

  10. Safe travels to Ella's baptism! I can't wait to see her all dressed up!!! XOXO, R

  11. What a sweet card and that commute looks intense! Mine can be just as stressful so I know the feeling. Have a great weekend with your family and getting Ella baptized. Hope she has a pretty dress for the occasion! xo

  12. Haha I love that last Entourage GIF! Hope you all have a great baptismal weekend and I'm glad your BIL is doing better. That was so nice of them to try and help offset your school expenses. Every little bit helps!

  13. Aw Happy Birthday to Cooper! And Ella's baptism - so much fun going on this week!

  14. I hope her baptism is a wonderful event!!! Have a great weekend!

  15. I miss the baby stage with my kids. So many milestones. Hope all goes well at Ella's baptism and glad that your brother in-law in doing well.

  16. Happy birthday Coop!

    Loved the pics of Ella's baptism!


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