
Weekly Wins: sick boobies

I'll explain the title in a sec, don't worry :)
Happy Friday the 13th, loves! I can't believe it's already mid-October and Halloween is right around the corner....craziness!

This week has been a bit of a doozy for us. Ella came down with a cold from daycare (again), and on Tuesday afternoon I noticed a couple of lumps from clogged ducts after pumping at work. I spent 2 hours trying any and every trick under the sun to get it out because I've had mastitis once and NEVER want it again. It was still there. 

Tuesday night also brought Ella puking all over me for the first time. So I've been inducted into that club now. Between a full, painful boob, worrying about my sick baby, and feeling like my throat was getting scratchy, I didn't have the best night of sleep, so we stayed home on Wednesday together. This was basically me:
I made it to the OB in the afternoon and she basically told me I had a clog and if it didn't get unclogged, I'd get mastitis. Well, thank you Captain Obvious!

Despite allllllll of that, there have still been some wins for the week, thank goodness!! It's always good to focus on the positives instead of the negatives which is why I started writing these weekly win posts back in June. Here are some this week:

~Ella seems to be feeling better, and even when she's sick, she still offers up lots of smiles. 

~Even though I had to take a day off of work, it gave me a full day of time with my Ella, which is something I miss. We also spent the day in true lazy, sick-day form with jammies, cuddles and trashy tv.
~Lecithin. Say what? Lecithin is a vitamin that apparently thins your milk when breastfeeding, helping to unclog ducts. They are also the size of a horse tranquilizer and you have to take FOUR of them every day (gag), but within the first night of using them, my boob hurt less and I think I'm on the mend (please, baby Jesus!!). So yeah, Lecithin is on my win list for sure this week!
~Date night tomorrow night! My friend is coming to watch Ella while MG and I enjoy a night out just the two of us! Happy to get some just us time together :)

~I got these skinny jeans, and a cute top at Lucky this weekend for $45 total! #score
the shirt is SO soft and it's this pretty light lavender color
~These flowers that my SIL brought to Ella's baptism. They remind me of a sunset and just make me smile
~I discovered the best eye shadow primer, and SUPER cheap (I used to be an Urban Decay girl, but not once they switched to that dumb wand). Milani on Amazon, less than $6! It works even better than the UD one. Go get you some!
~The Imagine Dragons CD is giving me life the last couple of weeks! Been streaming it on Amazon Prime Music when driving and loving it!
~baby giggles

~One last summer treat before Rita's closed for the season
~How much our youngest niece loves our baby girl
On that note, I'm off to make it through today and thennnnnnn, after this week,
Have a good one!


  1. I hope Ella is feeling better and your boobies too :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Seriously Jenn, I don't know how she can get any cuter!!! Clogged ducts are the worst. many times I sat on all fours in the bathtub with my boobs hanging in the hot water, What a sight for my poor hubs, lol!!! How you all are feeling better!

  3. I totally forgot about Lecithin! I took that stuff ON THE REG when my ducts would get clogged with Knox. I know how painful that is (I had mastitis twice and it's awful) so just rest and massage those boobs! ;) Also, I hope Ella is feeling better!

  4. Do you like Prime Music? I have been debating between that and Spotify (I know, I am late to the game) hope you and Ella are back to 100% soon!

  5. not going to lie - i am glad that the breastfeeding days are over! i do not miss the sore nips, the 'fullness'...everything about BFing for me so was stressful. hope things get better for the both of you.

  6. aw what a crazy day with the sickness and the boobies. also that outfit from lucky - so so cute! and those baby photos. she's just the happiest little thing :) hope you have a really nice weekend! (now i'm craving some ritas haha)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. What a week. Hope you both feel better soon. I have heard that mastitis is quite painful. Thanks for sharing about that eye primer, I too use to love UD but i cannot stand that stupid wand. So annoying that they changed it.

  8. I had mastitis when Serena was 3 weeks old, and it was the worst! I had a few more scares, but thankfully was able to keep the full blown infection at bay. You've got this girlie! Sorry she was sick again this week, if she has a cold it was probably mucus drainage. Hoping you both feel better through the weekend <3
    Green Fashionista

  9. Glad the lecithin is working!! I can't even pronounce it, so we'll just say "magic pills"!!! And yea for weekends, SKINNY jeans (you go momma!), and everyone on the mend!! XOXO, R

  10. So glad everyone is on the mend! Hate to hear Ella was throwing up. Pedi would always say it may be from mucus but I have yet to ever figure it out even now days it just seems so random.

  11. Sorry about your boobs, that just sounds painful, glad you and Ella are on the mend! Have a great weekend and cheers to date night!

  12. I am so glad that your boob is on the mend and so is Ella. I had mastitis and it went into an abscess. After that, I did everything I could to get those clogs out. Ugh. I feel your pain. Yay for a day home with Ella. I hope you have a good weekend and are on all the mend.

  13. I'm so sorry that you've had boob issues this week! I never had mastitis, but I do know that a clogged duct sucks! I'm glad you seem to be on the mend! I'll have to try that eyeshadow primer. Have a great weekend!

  14. Oh man what a week! So glad that Ella is feeling better!

  15. Lecithin was my life after having both my kids. I got clogs so easily and it helped tremendously. They also sell microwavable pads that you can use - I would heat them up as hot as I could stand and apply again and again and again. If I turned on the pump, wore those and massaged like crazy, I could usually work out the clog. SUCKS... literally!

  16. Oh gosh Jenn! That sounds awful!!! I hope you don't get mastitis again and that the lechitin helps! If it's any consolation, that top looks great on you!


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