{WHW}: Snowflakes are Falling

Happy Wednesday, lovies! I'm coming at you today from yet another snow day! Luckily this one was called last night around 5pm, so I knew nice and early that I'd have today off. Hoping MG will get one too, so we can have a nice family snow day together.
I'm getting way too used to all the delays and days off we've been having this year!
Eating....this week's menu consisted of Cheeseburger Soup, Tacos, Shrimp and Pesto Pasta, and Chicken and Broccoli (new recipe trial).

Drinking....Water. And coffee. Allllll the coffee.

Reading....I just finished Verity this past weekend--SO good! Now I'm trying to find a new book, and also reading a book about Toddler Discipline. Because that's the stage we're in ha

Dreading....a doctor's appointment next week with a hematologist. Just another step and appointment on this fertility journey!

Pissed about....getting pulled over for the first time and getting a damn ticket for the first time IN MY LIFE last week, on Valentine's Day, for driving into a bike lane to make a right. Didn't even know that wasn't something you can do. So now I get to go to court in March to fight the ticket or the points. Dude didn't even give me a warning! Not the kind of Valentine I was hoping for that day.

Loving....the love celebrations we had at home. We don't do big stuff for Valentine's Day which is totally fine. But MG brought home cake, and my favorite cheese. His dad always sends me flowers, and we had friends over Saturday for a belated Valentine's dinner.
Enjoying...when Ella's not under the weather and she's our fun adventurous little eater. This past weekend she tried ramen, edamame and shrimp dumplings and DEVOURED everything we gave her! 
Buying...clothes from the 70% off Loft sale (thanks Rachel for pointing that one out), an exercise bike for our house (arriving this week), and a new rug for our bedroom, arriving today! Clothes updates, room updates, body updates!

Heart Melting....over Ella's "yuh you"s. It's the cutest most heart-melty thing ever to hear your kid tell you they love you!
Watching....The Resident. All caught up to current season now and we're obsessed!

Tried....a new restaurant called Maggie McFly's that opened near us. It reminds me of Yardhouse (and is right down the road from ours). Got to try it out during a lunch date with my friend, without our kids! The garbage burger was SO good!

Link up with Jessi and I to share what's hap-"pinning" with you!


  1. I could not put Verity down!! If you haven't read The Last Mrs. Parrish I just finished it and at first it annoyed me but then I couldn't put it down either. I also loved Swear on this Life. Seriously...a man who brings home cheese?!! You are winning girl. haha Obviously his dad sending you flowers shows he was raised right! Have a super Wednesday!

  2. That burger looks amazing!! And yes all the toddler words are the cutest. Make sure to record them all so you can remember them.

  3. ah i love that she's eating all the things! so cute. and i need to read verity. it's on my list. :)

  4. Oh you just wait....when they also tell you they missed you, now that is a whole other level!! (Granted he also tell the dogs he missed her, but whatever! haha) This mom stuff is pretty amazing :)

  5. We love Maggie McFly's -- huge menu! And we're seriously living the same life-- just bought all the things from LOFT AND a home treadmill!!! Let me know how the toddler discipline is and whether it's worth a read!! XOXO, R

  6. The ticket?! Seriously?! It'll get thrown out I'm almost positive! Can't wait to see the rug and enjoy your snow day! We were delayed until 12 but I'll take it haha

  7. Hope you guys are enjoying the snow day! Tatum and I are! Your Valentine's Day celebrations sound similar to ours - I love the low key celebrating at home!

  8. Verity was so good! What a bummer about the ticket, good luck fighting it!

  9. That really sucks about the ticket. It always ruins my week when that happens. Though it doesn't happen much luckily. I LOVED Verity. So good.

  10. Yay for snow days! I have always loved how your FIL sends you flowers. (I’m not sure mine even knows our address. 🤦🏻‍♀️) So proud of Ella’s eating and so sorry about getting a ticket!

  11. That cake!!! Holy moly it looks delicious!

  12. All the food you have been eating sounds and looks delicious!


I LOVE hearing your thoughts and comments--so, make my day and leave me some lovin'!