
National Infertility Awareness Week

It's been super hectic at work this week and I've had almost no time to blog, but I couldn't let this week go by without mentioning that it's National Infertility Awareness Week.
I know there are people out there who are dealing with the ups and downs of infertility, some out loud and some in silence.

To those of you out there, I just want you to know that you're not alone. I know the pain of each pregnancy announcement on Facebook or in blog land. I know the pain of watching your friends' baby celebrate their first birthday when you were trying to get pregnant the same time they were. I know how it feels to dread getting your period every month. And I know the struggles of making your life revolve around trips to a fertility clinic.

I also know the things that people say, that make you angry, or want to cry. Yes, they're just saying those things to try and empathize or to help, but they don't realize how hard those things are to hear. (And for those of you supporting someone through infertility, I'll re-post something that I posted a while back about things you should and shouldn't say).

It's ok to be angry. It's ok to struggle to be fully happy for someone else when they tell you they're pregnant, and just wish that for once it was you. It's ok to cry and grieve. This process isn't easy on anyone, physically, mentally or emotionally.

I've learned so much about myself by going through infertility. I'm stronger than I thought I was. I'm  able to face fears better than I was before. And most importantly, I've grown closer to my husband through this process of getting our miracle baby, as well as discovering a whole network of incredible women who are always willing to listen, support, and lend an ear or shoulder to cry on or celebrate with.

Keep the faith. Keep rooting yourself on. If you need a cheerleader, I'm cheering you on!


  1. I am so happy you are finally getting your sweet baby. You are going to be such a great mom! And thoughts and prayers to all of those mamas still waiting <3

  2. Your infertility journey definitely helped me through mine--and now I'm so happy that we'll both be welcoming baby girls this year (although yours is coming much sooner than mine!)

  3. Such a good post - you are so strong and are going to be a wonderful mama!

  4. Thank you for sharing your infertility journey with us. I can't believe you will have your baby girl in a few weeks and know that this journey was worth it. You are so brave.

  5. Thinking of you and your sweet baby on the way. I just shared my infertility stories on my blog today. Infertility is definitely a journey that I didn't expect to go through and it's sad how many people are impacted by it.

  6. I love this! Infertility does not discriminate and I love when people are comfortable with sharing their stories.

  7. Amen friend!! The journey definitely makes you stronger and 100x more thankful for your miracle baby! Every single day I just stare into her eyes and remember the hard days and all the tears I cried for her. I will never forget it and I think it will truly impact the way I raise her. <3

  8. Beautifully written, friend. And so SO thrilled for your sweet, growing family. Thanks for being so vocal about your journey- so many can benefit from knowing they aren't alone.

  9. I didn't read your blog back then to know you struggled with infertility - I'm so happy you have your little miracle baby coming soon!

  10. Thanks for posting. It's been a rough couple of weeks with so many pregnancy announcements. I'm beyond thrilled for friends and family, but wince because I wish I had a crystal ball.

  11. Gosh, that meme (is it considered a meme when it's not funny?) nearly makes me cry and I've never even struggled with infertility. My heart breaks for all the mamas who have and who do struggle every day. I am so, so happy for you and your little miracle babe!

  12. It's so sad when intelligent, mature people have difficult conceiving...while some trashy idiots can carelessly get pregnant with no effort at all.


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