
Peaks and Valleys from the Week

Happy Friday!! Hopefully things are looking and feeling Spring-like where you are! After starting the  week with cold and rain, we're getting back into the warmth and sunshine today with 80 degree weather. 
I thought I'd change it up a bit and write about the peaks and the valleys from the week.

Let's get the valleys out of the way:

~Having a bit of a breakdown after preschool teachers are harassing me to get meetings scheduled before I go out on maternity leave (one of them even showed up at my school to stalk me!) It's not my fault that these should have been done by May 1 and all of a sudden they're all panicking that I won't be here soon. I'm living by this motto now:
~After scheduling two of said meetings, getting the crappiest goals for kids' IEPs that I've seen. I swear one teacher just uses the same goals for all of her kids because I've seen the same crap goals last year with kids that she sent to my school.

~Coming down with a cold or allergies or something starting on Tuesday morning. So far it's a head cold/allergies only. I'm hoping I can kick it soon and that it stays out of my lungs. The last thing I want is to be having contractions and dealing with sniffles and coughing. Ugh.

Now on to some of the peaks!

~Because of my friendship with the building guy at our school, I was able to get my AC fixed to the point where it actually cools my room instead of blows luke warm air around. Key on 80+ degree days!

~The woman who is covering my maternity leave (and is overlapping with me for a couple of weeks before I go out) is amazing! She's helped me so much with seeing kids while I'm in meetings. I know that when I'm gone, my kids will be in good hands.

~I get to see some of my favorite people this weekend at my friend Bree's baby shower!

~My husband's female coworker got the baby this funny onesie:
~The sweet gift from one of my private school students and his little sister--they are such a nice family!
~I guess this would be a peak: some minor contractions throughout the week here and there (nothing consistent), but signs that baby girl is hopefully getting ready in there!

~Getting another check up on baby girl this afternoon!

Wishing you a happy, sunshine-filled weekend!!


  1. LOL Love that ecard!! It's so true though. That onesie is awesome!!

  2. I haven't confirmed this medically, but my girlfriends and I (and my sister-in-law) have ALL gotten a horrible head cold, regardless of the season, right before delivery. I was on antibiotics at delivery with both boys because of a massive sinus infection. I'm thinking it's a sign...!

  3. Hopefully you and Rach will have your babies super close :) Have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Such sweet gifts! That's awesome that you have someone so great covering your maternity leave! Have a great weekend!

  5. That e card is my life at work, so frustrating! That onesie is too funny. Getting close, get yourself well and relax this weekend!

  6. I love that onesie so much! I too and staring down the barrel at maternity leave and my coworkers are starting to freak out. My motto: You've had 9 months to figure this out...

  7. How cute is that onesie, too funny! Yay for your AC being fixed and for your amazing replacement while you're out. So so so close and exciting! Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. I have lived by that motto before but you are almost to maternity leave and meeting your little one! Jess at Just Jess

  9. I'm so glad that the person replacing you is wonderful! I know that has to make you feel good.

  10. Oh my goodness that onesie! Haha. So stinking cute! Have a great weekend! I'm officially on Operation Stalk Jenn's Instagram Page until she comes! Seriously, I've been checking your IG daily to make sure I don't miss the news! (Assuming that you'll even put anything on there in the first place, of course.) EEK!

  11. I was SO sick with a cold 2 days before I was induced. I was sick throughout the whole hospital stay it was awful!

  12. How frustrating about the last minute planning and way to get you stressed out right before maternity leave. Love the onesie...too funny!

  13. What fun baby gifts! I say that quote about your poor planning does not constitute my emergency ALL THE TIME at work!

  14. Just now seeing this! But I think your peaks and valleys will look a touch different this week!!!! :) XOXO, R

  15. Omg that onesie!! LOL! Too funny. I love that ecard - so true! Poor planning is THEIR fault, not yours!

  16. What fun gifts! I love the new motto! Hope you kick the cold to the curb! Good luck, Mama!


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